View Full Version : Granny here is the math........LONG

09-17-2002, 11:26 AM
Granny you asked if skipping the blinds in a 9 handed game makes sense. My example used a 3/2 blind structure so let us use a 15/30 game with a BB of $15 and SB of $10. In a nine handed game you play 6 hands for $15 or a cost per hand of $2.50 per hand. Everyone else plays 9 hands at a cost of $2.78 per hand. This is obviously a better deal, coupled with the fact that two of their hands are in the worst possible position and you eliminate those two positions from your play. In addition the hand you do blind with is in the cutoff which lowers your entry requirements quite a bit. If you are fortunate enough to have a passive button you are now in the proverbial "Catbirds Seat".

If you use a 5/10 game with a $10 BB and a $5 SB it is still a good decision, which after doing the math surprises me. Everyone, including yourself now pays $1.67 per hand them for 9 hands and you for 6 hands per round. But again you have your BB in a much better position.

The only arguement against this would be you play less hands per hour and therefor would have a lower earn but David Sklansky showed that even a solid (winning) player has a negative expectation in both blinds due somewhat to the forced expense but primarily due to the poor position so I concur if you are able to skip your blinds and post ONLY the BB in the cutoff you would be money ahead to do so. For those of you that still wish to use this "loss of earnings" as point of contention keep in mind that this is an online poker game where you are able to sit in as many games as your little brain is able to handle so this must certainly eliminate thet possible caveat.

Now the original thread that brought this to subject to light was regarding the ethics of taking advantage of this software bug. I am not advocating a position one way or another in that regard, just that it makes very good financial sense to take advantage of this opportunity.

Anyone who missed the original thread the link is:

http://www.twoplustwo.com/forums/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=inet&Number=148803&page=0& view=collapsed&sb=5&o=7&fpart=1

Just a bit of additional information: The above holds true for any number of players down to and including five. At four players or less your cost per hand goes above the other players expense.


09-17-2002, 04:45 PM
jimbo.. thx for crunching the numbers, excellent post, and i had no problem with your findings until i got to this

Just a bit of additional information: The above holds true for any number of players down to and including five

you are basing this statement on cost per hand, but in a 5 handed game, if you skip the "natural positioned" SB & BB, and then come in at the cutoff position, you are second to act.

while i understand that being in the cutoff is better position than the blinds, it does not make intuitive sense to me that coming back in and being second to act is "good" position at 5 handed.

if the player on your immediate right is overly tight, you can spend your night coming back in UTG, and i beleive that would negate any cost/hand argument IMO.

09-17-2002, 04:57 PM

The way to look at this is not that you are second to act but that you act next to last. I also mentioned that having a passive opponnent to your left made this more ideal as well. If you opponent to your right is overly tight it just makes this position sweeter still! He will not call your raises when you have a raising hand and if you simply check your late posted BB and he raises you simply fold! What you do not want is a loose agressive person to your right who will often raise you in this position. In that case simply revert to posting correct blinds. Plus Granny I think you place to much emphasis on preflop action when post flop position overcomes any discomfort this may cause you.

At any rate my post was mainly to answer your question about the 9 handed vs 10 handed format. I hope I was able to do that to your satisfaction.


09-17-2002, 05:10 PM
Good analysis.

I have no problem with players posting late blinds. However, it does get a little annoying if they post late blinds when I have the big blind, because it increases the chance that people will raise with marginal hands to try to steal the dead money, or is it just my imagination?

09-17-2002, 05:39 PM
my post was mainly to answer your question about the 9 handed vs 10 handed format

beautifully covered.. thx jimbo

MS Sunshine
09-17-2002, 06:44 PM
I love players posting while I have the button. You have the best position, with the button, so with average cards, you will win a larger percentage of all blinds than the other positions, without force-ins.

MS Sunshine

09-17-2002, 07:46 PM
what the hell did you do in your original post in this thread that makes it sooooo wide? i have to scroll sideways for all the posts in this thread only. did you paste it from a word processing program?? whatever you did, STOP IT.. granny is dizzy!!

/forums/images/icons/wink.gif /forums/images/icons/wink.gif /forums/images/icons/wink.gif /forums/images/icons/wink.gif /forums/images/icons/wink.gif /forums/images/icons/wink.gif /forums/images/icons/wink.gif /forums/images/icons/wink.gif /forums/images/icons/wink.gif /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

09-18-2002, 10:42 AM

All I did diffenent than usual was add that link at the bottom of my original post. It looks fine from my computer at work as well as at home. I must have some different settings on my PC than you do.
