View Full Version : Panhandling versus mobile hawking - anyone else?

03-02-2005, 12:00 AM
When people ask for handouts, i'll almost never give them cash. sometimes i'll give/buy them food. all my direct cash donations go to accion and food for the poor.

that said, any time i see people hawking goods like selling stickers for a dollar or those cheapo gums, i buy them if i have cash. if they get hassled (like happened today in my student union) i'll speak up on their behalf too.

the friends i was eating with see no difference. anyone else see a monumental one here? am i the only one who draws the line at this point?


03-02-2005, 12:15 AM
I go the food route as well. If they say they need money to buy food I offer them a ride so I can buy them food.

Although giving cash is not really so bad. I mean if booze is how they forget about being homeless, then I say if you want to give them cash then give them cash, even knowing that's where it will go. Some people just like booze a lot.