View Full Version : Playing top two pair against a 15-outer going to the river.

09-14-2002, 02:14 AM
The revelvant info:
I hold 9s 10s in early position with $65.00 in play
He holds Js Qs in late position with $75.00 in play
Four players see flop putting pot at $5.00
Folp 2s 6s 9d
I check-raise up to $10.00, he calls. 25.00 in the pot
Turn is 10c
I press my remaining stack. He pauses and then calls the $50.00
River is a Kd and I lose to the straight.
My real question is about 1) How else could have I played this and 2) Do I want to have people calling this all-in in the future?

09-14-2002, 05:29 AM
> Four players see flop putting pot at $5.00

blinds? preflop action?

> Flop 2s 6s 9d I check-raise up to $10.00

You need to raise bigger here and try to take it down as your top-pair is likely ahead to a late position bettor and you're vulnerable to overcards.

> Turn is 10c I press my remaining stack.

Standard play as a pot-sized bet would take 1/2 of your stack (another reason why you should have made it $20 on the flop).

> Do I want to have people calling this all-in in the future?

yes. His call is worth $13 to you. (btw. he only had 13 outs, with 15 outs his call would only make you $7 in EV)



09-14-2002, 11:25 PM
I find that in these situations, it's best if my opponent doesn't hit the river. Ideally, you should try not to allow him to get his card on the river. Make it so that he catches a blank.