View Full Version : New Versioning for PlayerView, two editions "stable" and "testing"

02-27-2005, 10:56 PM
In response to those who were having issues with experimental features in PV and wishing to revert to an older version, I have forked PlayerView into two branches.

Stable is the most recent/stable version and should have generally speaking, the least problems.

Testing is going to be updated on an almost daily basis and have tons of new/experimental features. It is necessary for some people to use testing to further the development of PV, but if stability is all you care about then this is not for you.

You can get the newest version of stable or testing PV at http://www.playerview.net.

The stable version I put up today addresses some of the problems people were having with hotspots, the options menu, and redraws. If you enabled the redraw fix in the general options tab you should probably try the latest version with the fix off atleast for a while to see if it helps you.

02-28-2005, 06:09 AM
Thanks amir - will try it later tonight and let you know how it goes.