View Full Version : A-5o in the Cutoff....

09-14-2002, 01:40 AM
Everyone folds to you in the cutoff, where you hold an A-5o (or ace with any less-than-desirable kicker) against three opponents who have demonstrated no exploitable tendencies (that is, they don't fold too often, nor do they defend themselves too vigorously). raise or limp? (or throw it away?) does this change if they're suited?

09-14-2002, 03:13 AM
"three opponents who have demonstrated no exploitable tendencies"

raise. who cares about their tendencies, ive got a reputation to uphold.

and i dont play against players with "no exploitable tendencies". if they really havent demonstrated any real tendencies than i just make some up based on how they look, how i feel, whether im bored or not, whether i got laid last night, etc, etc.

and then i raise.