View Full Version : 2/5 PLHE, I must have played badly

09-11-2002, 02:30 PM
In a 2/5 blind PL HE game, 3 limpers with deep stacks (over 2000 each), 2 of which are tricky good players, called $5 to me I raised POT, $30. All folded to the limpers who all called. About $120 in the pot. Flop comes 6s8h9h, all checked to me i checked too (should have bet pot) thinking with 3 limpers they might hit the flop good. and I was the short stack with about $800. Turn was off suit Ace, everyone checked again. River brought off suite 5, check, check and last player (tricky) before me bets pot. I folded fearing Ace and 7... I played badly I am sure. Firing on flop was mandetory I now realized.


Greg (FossilMan)
09-11-2002, 03:08 PM

09-11-2002, 03:15 PM

Greg (FossilMan)
09-11-2002, 04:17 PM
Yes, betting the flop was pretty mandatory. If they have a 7, they probably don't lay down the draw, but if they have the gutshot draw they often will lay down, as well as an unimproved Ax, maybe even Ax that flopped a pair. You don't want to give a free card to any of these hands.

After checking the flop, and they all check to you on the turn, it seems pretty unlikely they have an A, unless it's a weak A they might fold to a bet. I would've bet $75 on the turn with KK, realizing that it's primarily a bluff.

After 2 checks, you've done all you can to induce a bluff or a mistaken value bet on the river, but you still probably did right to fold to the pot-sized bet. He could have had anything, however.

Later, Greg Raymer (FossilMan)

Chris Villalobos
09-11-2002, 04:19 PM
What a scary Flop! But if it's checked around to you shouldn't you fire once to knock out the weak draws. The problem comes with you having defined a high-card hand pre-flop. If these guys are tricky they might try to steal from you on the end if you don't bet on turn when a blank comes. I think that's the way it goes in big bet poker though.

I'd bet the flop and get ready to give it up if I'm called, and don't spike a King. Is this too wimpy ya think?

09-11-2002, 05:30 PM
Greg / Leroy,

thank you both for the comments as you both right and I really thought of both plays in the aftermath...


09-11-2002, 05:37 PM
The river fold was fine as you were probably beat at that point. I agree that you should have bet the pot on the flop and perhaps even on the turn. The turn bet would disguise your hand, and they may fold fearing AA or AK. However if you did this and got a caller you are probably beat.

09-11-2002, 11:53 PM
You should have bet the pot on the flop and, if you get it heads-up, also the turn (1/2 pot should be enough here). The scarier the flop, the more you need to bet a strong but vulnerable hand.



09-13-2002, 12:38 PM
I couldn't agree more. I am still very new to PL, though I have won a few small sessions while playing very careful, I am just too scared to open up and find myself losing a lot more than I have won.

Thanks for the advise,

Kenny (nykenny)