View Full Version : Fast Playing Quads

09-10-2002, 12:36 PM
Omaha8, home game,$5 dealer ante, PL. Big difference is last raiser is first to act in next round.

I'm dealt KKxx.

Three or 4 limp for $10

Flop is K-10-10!!!

About as good as it gets.

Checked to tiltly player on my left. He bets $35. Calling station calls. I smooth call, deciding to pop the turn.

Turn: K!!!

Tilty bets $75. At this point he is all in, although before the hand started he put up "$300" behind him. I couldn't recall if he actually had chips, or just a chit.

Calling station folds.

I raise $300.

Tilty folds. I show him my quads (its a friendly game), and he shows a 10 with various kickers including A.

Although he certainly would've folded to any bet on the river if he didn't improve, he is such an emotional and bad player when losing that he would have bet had he filled up.

Next time be a little patient.


Oh. one more hand which I think I was doomed to lose.

Am dealt Q-10c HE(same betting structure). 5-6 players call for $10.

Flop: 2-3-K, all clubs!!!

Checked to me, I check, tilty bets out $25, gets three callers. I raise $150.

All fold to tricky player, who calls and raises his last $50. Auto call. I put him on the Ac.

Wrong. He has Ac-5c.

Aside from not playing Q-10suited, which I believe is a good move in a loose, passive PL game preflop, is there anyway I couldn't have dropped $200 on this hand????

Greg (FossilMan)
09-10-2002, 12:56 PM
How fast to play the first hand depends upon the opponent. The turn K makes you (almost) unbeatable, but he doesn't know that. If he puts you on a K, and he has a T, he might call the turn figuring you're not full and he still has maybe 10 outs to win. If he misses the river, then he really can't call. So, it can cut both ways. Oddly enough, some folks will call you on the turn with a flush draw, because they figure you're not likely to be full (and it is harder to be full on a board of XXYY than XXYZ). Again, once they miss the river, they definitely aren't calling.

Get to know the player, and figure out when he's more likely to call.

Second hand you're pretty much screwed.

Later, Greg Raymer (FossilMan)

09-11-2002, 11:29 AM
Flush over flush, doomed. There can ONLY be ONE "lucky flush" at a time.

nykenny (Today will be the end of my losing streak, right)