View Full Version : River bluff catch .25/.5 NL Hold'em Hand.

Chris Villalobos
09-10-2002, 02:03 AM
UTG comes in for .50, all fold to me in the cutoff with (Kc,Qd). I raise to $1.5. The BB calls (this is an unknown player to me) and UTG (I've played with this person before)calls.

Flop 9c,2d,6d Pot: $5

All check to me so I bet $1.50. O.K. I should have put in a pot size bet here. BB calls, UTG folds.

Turn: [9c,2d,6d] 3d Pot: $8

BB Checks I bet $5.00, BB now check-raises $5.00, I call because I'm getting good odds to make a Queen high Flush. But this small raise is bothersome because most players in this game, if they have a big hand, will bet the pot here. The will especially come out betting since the play with position might take a free-card. They tend to paly pretty straight-forward. Then again this player is new.

River: [9c,2d,6d,3d] Qs giving me a pair of queens King kicker. Pot: $28

Now the BB goes all-in for $18. Again this is weird why go all-in now when the turn was only worth a $5 (please-call-me) raise.

I call because I can beat a bluff which is what I think he has. BB shows 4c,4h. I take the pot with a pair of Queens. Now, the BB starts to razz me because, "I should have folded!". I tell him,"I can see right through you". /forums/images/icons/smirk.gif

Well was it good senses or a fishy play when I was getting only around 5 to 2 on the bluff catcher.

09-10-2002, 08:54 AM
> cutoff with (Kc,Qd). I raise to $1.5

If you raise here, it should be the pot ($2.25) to give yourself some chance to take it down, but also to set up a bluff if you miss.

> All check to me so I bet $1.50. O.K. I should have put in a pot size bet here.

Indeed. By betting 1/3 as a preflop raiser, you just telegraph weakness and invite ppl. to take a shot.

> [9c,2d,6d] 3d Pot: $8 [..] BB Checks I bet $5.00

Check, don't bet. You had your chance to make a move for the pot on the flop and chose not to. It's unlikely that you are ahead and the only hand you can get to fold here for $5 are offsuit overcards and given the weakness you showed, he might check-raise you with a lot of hands. You still have outs to improve, so take the free card.

> BB now check-raises $5.00

Muck. You are in no position to call a raise here. While you might have outs, you don't know which of them are good as he could easily semi-bluff with the Kd or Ad. If you call here, you set yourself up for negative implied odds and a tough decision if you hit and he comes out betting.

> River: [9c,2d,6d,3d] Qs [..] BB goes all-in for $18

You asked for it, you got it. Since you're getting 5:2 you have to call here for the size of the pot. You got lucky twice b/c you hit and he was indeed bluffing, but you should not have been in that situation in the first place.

