View Full Version : Setting up pokertracker for 6 max games?

02-18-2005, 06:04 AM
How do you set up pokertracker for 6 max games? I dont want to get my stats from full ring mixed up with the 6 max stats and i want to use a different set of auto rate rules. Can this be done in the one database or do i need to just start a new data base for 6 max games?

02-18-2005, 06:50 AM
I set up a database for SH play. The auto-import rules only rate players on hands between 4-6 players. This is the target database for all SH hands and lets me use different auto-rate rules for SH play.


02-18-2005, 07:31 AM
I set up a database for SH play. The auto-import rules only rate players on hands between 4-6 players. This is the target database for all SH hands and lets me use different auto-rate rules for SH play.

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I dont quite understand what you ment here, Are you saying you opened up a total knew and separate data base for your Short handed game? Or are you saying you can have two sets of rules in a poker tracker data base where one only rates games between 4 and 6 players and that stops your data base from getting mixed up stats

[/ QUOTE ]

02-18-2005, 07:37 AM
Each database can have its own auto-import rules. When I am playing SH, I open my SH database and any imports go in there. This database has SH rules, and the full ring database has full ring rules. If you want one database, you can just apply the rule for the flavor you intend to play, SH or Full by loading the autorate rules when auto rating. This takes some time, so I don't do it that way.


02-18-2005, 07:40 AM
I want one data base, but if i do it that way wont it rerate all my Full ring player according the rules i loaded at the time or is there a way to filter out all but the 6 max players when auto rateing?

02-18-2005, 09:03 AM
Yes, if you do it with one database, you will be autorating your entire database by the flavor you want to play. Set the SH rules to target 4-6 players dealt into the hand, then run the autorate. Until you run another autorate, it will just ignore hands with less than 4 or more than 6 when deciding what rating to give a player. You cannot have two rules in place at the same time with one database.

02-18-2005, 07:51 PM
Not sure there is a good reason to keep it in all in one DB. Can get stats/players confused, plus, the bigger the DB gets the more sluggish it becomes, and that becomes annoying. I recently took the time to split my DB into 3, SH, full ring, and tourney, and PT is much quicker.