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View Full Version : The Ultimate Meaningless NFL Game

01-03-2002, 06:58 AM
Eagles vs. Buccaneers

Can you believe that these two are playing each other this weekend when neither can improve their playoff seeding and will play each other in the first round of the playoffs? Maybe someone could find a reason to forfeit the game so the teams don't have to risk injury this weekend. How about the under for this game? The number is low at 34 but I can't imagine either team "pulling out all the stops" this weekend to win the game. It would seem like a lot of run up the middle and short passes with as many second team players as possible.

01-03-2002, 01:43 PM
I think it's hard to say that a team wouldn't want to open it up a bit because the type of game you described leads to injuries on both sides..

Neither team really wants their backups hurt either.. That doesn't make the over any better, but I just think it would be tough to guage an entire match of 2nd string vs. 2nd string..

This is truly the ultimate meaningless game.. Perhaps somebody will post on over/under on the Neilson rating... I take under there..

01-03-2002, 09:29 PM
Good points, didn't even think about it. This is really just like a preseason game, one in which the teams have a regular season matchup planned. Nothing fancy, no big efforts, and yes some second teamers should get time. In "base" games like this the defense has a huge edge, playing a straight up defense is much easier to do than trying to break big plays, especially when you consider both teams probably could say that their defenses are a little better than their offense. I think I will put something down on this one too...