View Full Version : Order of Thought

02-14-2005, 02:59 PM
I'm finding myself not playing very well lately. From what I've read on these forums, I have to effectively use my mind in the game to be able to play my best and I'm not doing that because I feel like I'm thinking either too hard or not thinking enough. I guess what I'm asking is for some sort of strategic order of thought or thought process to use when playing poker.

Something like evaulating your EV, then analyzing the pot, the players, determining whether to play tight or protect your hand (I still don't know what protecting your hand means). Anyways, I'm sure there's certain steps you guys take in your thought process when playing poker that you use and if you could share that with me it would be very helpful.

Another question, do you guys only call flops with hands that have +EV according to that EV chart for all hands/positions?

02-14-2005, 05:26 PM
Another question, do you guys only call flops with hands that have +EV according to that EV chart for all hands/positions?

[/ QUOTE ]

After awhile, the actual charts will have little to do with the hands you play. But it is a good starting point. Understand why some 'types' of hands play better in situations than other types of hands regardless of their chart positions.


02-14-2005, 06:20 PM
A good way to develop that thinking process is to read through the hand posts and think about how you would play it. Then carefully read what other posters have to say, but pay close attention to what logic and ideas they are using to come up with the best play. After a while you'll realize that it's usually the same sort of arguments: How does my hand compare to the range of hands my opponent could have, how big is the pot and how big is my equity, how many outs do I have to improve to the best hand if I'm behind, etc. Also, don't play more than 1 table when starting out, and try to think and predict what your opponents will do and the hands they have even when you are not in the hand.

02-14-2005, 06:21 PM
Protecting your hand would be like when you have JT with a pair of Tens and you want to protect it from the overcards, mid/small pairs, or draws. You do this by betting - therefore you are protecting your hand - a pair of tens.

02-14-2005, 11:44 PM
ok, that sounds about right. I should start protecting my hands more. One thing I do actually do is try to figure out what people have even when I'm not playing, I've actually been very good at determining what others have and it has saved me from calling big bets that I would've lost. The only problem I find myself really having in that department is recognizing someone having pocket pairs. Any tips on what could give away someone having a pocket pair?

02-15-2005, 12:04 AM
About picking up on pocket pairs. One obvious sign is when a player bets out or raises on an uncoordinated board. Another thing I pick up on is when a player calls down on a non-threatening board or bets into the aggressor on the previous round when a harmless card falls. I'm sure you'll pick up your own hints as you gain experience.

02-15-2005, 12:04 AM
dont rely too much on many of the black and white comments that people on these forums use. there is alot of grey in poker, and it should be your objective to determine which scenarios in poker have a postive ev for you. follow the starting hand guidelines when being the first to enter a pot, because they are almost always correct, but when other players have come in front of you, things change and you have to make your own evaluations of which decision builds the most equity.

if you cant concentrate because youve lost interest or your mind is racing, i recommend learning how to meditate, because that is likely your best method on focusing your thoughts.