View Full Version : Beware the Fortune suck-in

08-31-2002, 09:47 AM
Anybody else get a CD from Fortune On-line Casinos offering free money? They have 5 casinos, and sent me a letter telling me they were giving me $860 free (spread out over the 5 casinos)! No mid-week restrictions...nothing. Sign up with the special VIP code, and I'm on my way.

Sounds stupid, right? Well...I figured some unscrupulous casino probably sold them my play statistics, and they figured $172 a casino was a good investment (better than $16 a click anyday). So..I tried it out.

Well...I was right the first time...before I thought it through and rationalized it. The $860 consisted of $25 in real money (spread over 2 of the 5 casinos, even), and the rest in match play. Heck...you don't need a VIP code to get $50-$100 in match play every month from almost every casino on the net.

If you get the CD, don't waste your time loading the 5 casinos like I did to find this out. It's a farce.

08-31-2002, 09:59 AM

Fortune are about the best group, they pay out quickly and their match play has positive expectation, they dont complain when you cash out, and lets face it, if you didnt think it was a match play bonus, you probably havent spent enough time investigating all the ways of earning money through gambling online.

The approach of special codes is no different to the hundreds of airline tickes, cruises, and gold necklaces that i apparenly "win" every day

08-31-2002, 10:43 AM
As I said, initially I did think it was match play, but as I read the letter, the way they worded it sounded like it was not. It was very misleading, and in my opinion, it was done that way on purpose...and I don't like it.

Your example of the airline tickets and cruises is excellent...and my feeling about these guys is exactly the same as it is about those. I don't return their calls, ignore their solicitations, and wish I knew how to keep them away.

Many of the online casinos do exactly the same thing with the match play, but they're up front about it. I understand the theory completely, think it's a great strategy, and would do the same myself if I were in their shoes. There are so many different places to play, though, that I think I'll stick with the ones that don't try to play smoke and mirrors games with me. Tell me your pitch, and if I like it, I'll play. Simple as that.

I'm not proposing that Fortune is not honest. They may be fantastic. They just need a new marketing plan.