View Full Version : Winning sessions

02-13-2005, 01:35 PM

I would like to know how many sessions win % is considered normal (for a good, winning player).

Im fairly new to the game so I dont do so well but I have reached a level of play where I seem to break even.

I have:
Winning session % 46.12
VP$IP 14.56
BB/100 0.04 (massive right!!!),

This at 1/2 level, 15000 hands.

Anyone willing to share their stats?

02-13-2005, 01:38 PM
my winning sessions are around 48%,

15/30, lots of hands, 3+/100.

vpip ~20%

02-13-2005, 02:05 PM
I would kill for a postivie BB/100 right now...


02-13-2005, 04:36 PM
I play a certain strategy that makes me quite profitable but might be holding me back from reaching greater heights... I play 10-20 6-max, usually 2 tables and my BB/100 is around 3 over lots of hands, 4.5BB/100 for the last 8K which is nice.

I motivate myself by setting a goal of $2000 per week in income and (so far) have been achieving this every week. My sessions won is at 65%. If I sit at a table, go up say $90 real quick, and then see no reason why this table is a very good one to stay at, I'll often just leave and bank the funds. However, if I take a tumble down $200, I'll stick around, and play until I'm even, or at least until I've logged a profit at my 2 tables combined. I can get this to happen almost all the time.

It's hard to explain why but this is a very good system in terms of keeping me motivated and excited, and under control. But am I holding myself back from improving my play to the next level?

2.71 BB/100
VPIP= 32.4
Sessions won= 65%

02-13-2005, 06:11 PM
sounds a bit like the martingale system - go ahead and google that if you like.

if it doesn help motivate you, that may help, but I think the time wasted moving tables for meaningless reasons (variance), is probaby overall net -EV.