View Full Version : Living well is the best revenge (zero content)

02-10-2005, 02:10 PM
So I lost my job this week. No big loss, but I need income. I could work for a living or....well, there is that big bright casino 20 minutes away from Buffalo. Yeah, time to sadle up and make some spending cash while looking for work.

I walk in and there's a sign up for a tourney. I look at the list. 40 people signed up, and it's only 35 dollars. For a few hours work it seems like a spiffy idea. I sit down with a simple strategy. Don't bust out early, let the fish gamble and swoop in at the end. I'm at the big blind for the first hand and I'm dealt AK suited. Huh. So much for my master plan. First to act is some slot junkie to my left. She pushed in about 3X the BB. I'm not sure if she looked at her cards or not. She seemed much more interested in her Jack and coke. Three other limpers. All of a sudden the pot looks really good for a move. I blow in 1/2 of my stack. Slot junkie looks at her cards and calls. Everyone else folds. What does she have? She's a flashy washed up blonde, and I've seen her type before. If she had KK or AA she would have bet bigger. Must be a smaller pair or AQ or something. The flop is K 6 2 rainbow. Bingo, I think. I go all in. She calls. Well, if she had 66 then I deserve what I got. Turns out she had K6 unsuited. Who the hell calls half of their stack with K6? Damn. Busted on the first hand. No point in buying in again. I have a strict rule against buying in if I stupidly get busted out first. I needed money anyways so I wait for the 5/5 NL table to open.

I'm in the groove at the table. Bad cards, but that's life. You play with what you're dealt. I've doubled up in the first sixty minutes and feeling pretty good. I now made more money than I would have made at work. I'm keeping one eye on the tourney. Slot junkie rebuys three times and is busted out within an hour. Thanks alot for blowing my chips, bimbo. I'm not normally bitter at being busted, but she got my goat. I wanted bad things to happen to her. I wanted her to be too broke to aford another bottle of ripple or whatever the hell she drinks.

Then fate gives me a present. She wobbles up the the NL table I'm at and complains that "nobody knows how to play that game. It's all luck!". I apreciate irony as much as the next guy, and smile as she buys 200 bucks in chips. Fortunatly for me, she's as bad a player in cash games as she was in the tourney.

She, less than graciously, gives me back my tourney money and considerable interest for the agrivation she provided me. Here's to you slot junkie. Have another drink and I can't wait to see you again.

Hmm...this post turned both into a "bad beat" story and a bragging story. I guess my point is that somtimes the poker gods smile on all of us from time to time. A bad beat just means that you played right and in the end the scales all balance out.

02-10-2005, 04:42 PM
Great post dude!

02-10-2005, 05:10 PM
I concur. Maybe you could get a job as a writer. Excellent prose styling.

02-10-2005, 08:59 PM
Maybe you could get a job as a writer.

[/ QUOTE ]

Too much like real work. Instead I'll just keep playing poker untill someone in the city of Buffalo says "you know, I really need an unemployed game desginer. Call Bob!"