View Full Version : What are good sites to Prop at?

08-13-2002, 02:01 PM
I've been thinking semi-seriously about trying to become a prop as a part time job.

Are there any internet sites that use props? (I know ACR does, but they seem to be bailing out)

Would anybody whose done it recommend it as a night job? I work 30-40 hours a week during the day for about minimum wage.

08-13-2002, 03:00 PM
"I work 30-40 hours a week during the day for about minimum wage."

how did you come up with the money for a computer at that wage? your ISP connection costs must be about 10% of your net.

take the time you were going to spend propping to find a better DAY job!

08-13-2002, 04:28 PM
Always listen to your Granny!

That was very good advice.

Propping (online or at a B&M) is a very tough job.

You almost always take the worst of it.

B&M's that offer insurance, are good for retired folks.

I would not recommend propping for new players or those on a tight bankroll.

Players who want to try it out to help offset the costs of playing, and those that like to play short handed are good candidates to give it a shot.

The swings of online poker are so much greater than the swings in a B&M.

A secure financial status (not trying to survive off being a prop) should be attained prior to undertaking the challenge and risk.