View Full Version : Soft collusion on the internet

08-09-2002, 06:28 PM
During the recent threads about this subject a poster ask what the value was of soft collusion. This is a very good question and for me a hard one to answer. At this point I've taken an interest in trying to answer it, for myself.

I'm going to start here, off the top of my head, and look at what approach I should take. If anyone knows of a hot and cold software, like PokerProbe that allows you to run sims taking certain cards out of play and still run them against profiles, please let me know.

A few assumptions:

1. The partners do not wish to be caught actively colluding. This is a long haul cheat, let the edges pile up sort of thing. No best hand or squeeze plays. For this, no info is shared as long as the other partner is still active in the hand.

2. Hold'em will be used as the game even though Omaha 8/B would be a better game to compound the known cards out of play. There are several reasons for this, first, it is more likely that your partner will be playing in the hand of Omaha compared to hold'em. Second, it is more complexed to analyze. Third, I really suck at Omaha.

3. Both partners play a solid game which is similar to most of the other players in the game. S&M's guidelines and starting hand groups from HPFAP will be used for most players and the weaker players will be some what looser in their starting hands, a little more aggressive and more unlikely to make good folds.(sound like anyone we know?

4. Even though 3 or 4 partners is most likely best, only two will be used. One of two models will be used. The A game is ten handed with the partners having four players between them. The B game is with them seating next to each other. The A game is what I currently favor. With two weaker players, one each sitting in front of the partners.

5. We are looking for hands on the margin, the ones where knowing these two cards make us play other than we usually do and what is the value of this knowledge.

All comments welcome.

MS Sunshine

08-10-2002, 08:46 AM
When 2 players sit next to each other and play on same table ... how serious is that coulluding and how much advantage is it to see the other players 2 hole cards?

08-10-2002, 03:28 PM
Primary reason: more hands get turned up. As such, it is easier for players to police the games themselves. I have never had a problem writing support with situations I consider egregious. They may well be innocuous, even when they look bad, but I'll let security make the call.

Even with so-called soft collusion, a website's card security department should be able to distill collusion on a game, given enough time.

08-10-2002, 04:50 PM
I think the main point is that there is an

advantage...It doesn't really matter how

small that advantage is.

Whether or not you and your wife use that adv.

is an issue for some people.

08-11-2002, 12:53 PM
"Whether or not you and your wife use that adv.

is an issue for some people."

Like I said before, it ain't really about MS Sunshine, it's about the sites knowingly allowing it to happen. Even if MS Sunshine's real life occupation is being the Pope himself, the sites should not trust him nor anyone else.