View Full Version : To mat: Forum Operator

07-20-2002, 03:54 AM
Ok man

I am really pissed. How could you allow these people to sell their tournament seats on this forum. You clearly say no advertising. Yet you let these people advertise their seats for sale and they are making money off of them. Its not our problem if they decided to win 8 seats and now want to unload them to make money. I dont know about the rest of the people here, but I am sick and tired of seeing these BLATENT ads for sale of their seats. And some of the seats are over 1000.00. They should have to buy advertising like everyone else does. But by allowing these jokers to sell their seats and make profit on here you are acting hypocritical when you delete someones refferal id or something like that. It is all the same premise in reality and that is to make money.

Ok Ive said my piece.

07-20-2002, 04:13 AM
I haven't been following this very closely, but are they really making a profit? It seems to me that if someone has won eight seats like you say, he needs to unload those seats before the tournament begins or else he is a big loser. My guess is that some of these seats will go for less than their value. Please correct me if I am wrong.


07-20-2002, 04:37 AM

Thanks for responding. It is not so much that they will be making a huge profit. In actuality they are still making a nice profit when they sell a 1000.00 seat that only costed them 100.00 for 900.00. I mean the initial investment wasnt much in comparison to what the seat is worth.

Its really the point that they decided to play more sats even though they knew they already had a seat. In that case where they already have a seat in a tourney and choose to win another seat, they are now just looking to make profit on the selling of additional seats. I dont have a problems with them doing this. However I do have a problem with them using this forum as an avenue to unload their excess seats which they decided to win purposely for the sole purpose of making profit.

They should have to pay for advertising as they are still selling a product and they are using your forum to do so. When you were the moderator here Mason you frequently deleted posts that had refferal codes. Well people are making money off the refferal codes and thus advertising for themselves. The people selling seats are no different they are still making a profit regardless of how little, and the premise is the same. You set a precendent by deleted the referal codes. That precedent was that this forum is not to be used by individuals who want to use it to sell something or make profit unless they advertise.

I hope we see eye to eye on this one.

Have a good one.

07-20-2002, 04:41 AM
Sorry I realize my prior post to you was riddled with grammitical and spelling errors. It is late here. Just didnt want you to think My grasp of the english lanuguage was below par. HAHA

That aside I would like to hear your opinion.


07-20-2002, 02:15 PM
Mat and I are looking at this and will make a decision on how to handle it sometime in the near future.



07-20-2002, 06:22 PM
I can't imagine anyone getting all riled up about it. If it is "advertising" you are still comparing a classified ad to buying TV time.

Ultimately, 2+2 will and should do whatever's in their best interest. If posts are being used to circumvent "real" advertising I understand their elimination.

Some poor sap got stuck with 8 seats. As long as this "advertising" isn't gumming up the site or costing advertising revenues I can't imagine 2+2 eliminating it.