View Full Version : Planet Poker new all-in software

07-16-2002, 05:48 AM
I just received an e-mail from Planet Poker outlining their new features. The first feature is as follows:

Planet Poker implements technologically advanced All-in protection feature! A player's hand will now be folded if it is determined by our new software that they are still connected to the game, virtually eliminating all-in abuse!

That's an interesting new feature, but I think they go to far with their claims. How does it "virtually eliminate all-in abuse?" If I really wanted to go all-in on the hand, I just just unplug the telephone cord from my computer. I would then be disconnected. I could also turn my computer off.

07-16-2002, 06:04 AM
Yes, some sites already have this feature and it actually has encourages some players to do exactly what u are saying and then they say it had to be a disconnect because of the Allin protection the software has.

It is simple, just unplug your computer or telephone line and you are "legimately" allin.

It is handy though for players who play several tables at one time and go allin accidently (which i have done before) so it will prevent that.

07-16-2002, 07:26 AM
I've seen it catch people who simply timeout, perhaps unaware of the new feature. I've also been caught when I have unintentionally timed out through simply not making a decision, and while that has been frustrating it has

(a) been fairer than me being put all-in and still getting some of the pot

(b) avoided the embarrassment that comes from winning a hand when one is unintentionally all-in.

07-16-2002, 11:07 AM
There are some decisions, especially in big bet poker, that require more thought than the paltry amount of time they give you.


07-16-2002, 01:18 PM
What happens if you are waiting for your turn

while playing a different site on computer #2.

Then computer #1 (Planet Poker) locks up on you,

and the screen freezes...Your halfway glancing

at #1 waiting for your turn..Eventually you

realize the computer has locked up (The keyboard

still works, and the modem never disconnects,

as sometimes does happen) You hit CTRL-ALT-DEL

only to log on & find out you were booted out

of you 10-20 game that had over $400 in the pot when you were kicked off.

Planet Poker has much bigger problems than worrying about all-in abuse...I mean I hate

all-in abuse as much as the next guy, in fact, I

report if every time I suspect it against me.

Some of these manager, execs, marketing directors ,etc.. just don't have there priorities straight.

What they need, is a no name internet player like myself to come in and show them what players want. Be it

the software itself, promotions, tournaments.

These half ass sites such as pokerstars,ub,planet,


have been dicking around for the past year +

basically making very limited improvements.

Don't they know where they need improvement by now?

They should all be major competitors with paradise by now, but the fact is paradise is still

the best site overall (props to pokerstars for their great tournaments...but that's it).

How'd I get started on this rant anyways?

07-16-2002, 03:22 PM

Just to restate the obvious, you said "I mean I hate all-in abuse as much as the next guy, in fact, I report if every time I suspect it against me." Don't you think it is this very reason that the site administrators make these stupid changes? Some players, am not particularly saying you, complain to support EVERY SINGLE TIME they lose a hand and someone times out then accuses them of abusing an all-in. After a while you get the kind of changes observed at PP.

Remember the old adage; "Be careful what you ask for, you may just get it."

As for the other sites who are slow to make changes I admire them as they investigate more carefully to prevent such consumer backlash as observed in this instance.


07-16-2002, 08:14 PM
"Don't you think it is this very reason that the site administrators make these stupid changes? "

I'm not trying to say it's a stupid change.

More power to them, if they feel this is the

way to go. (I personally wouldn't have the confidence to play higher than 3-6 for the

fear of a lock-up).

I guess my main point is that as a programmer

myself, I could personally make more changes in

2 weeks than they have made in the last 2 years.

Take Planet for example. If I had access to a graphics team, their current code (poker algorithms, random shuffle algorithm, etc.),

network, I could "probably" remodel the entire

site from the ground up by the end of summer by

myself. The only area where I would have my

hands tied behind my back would be in the

network speed,reliablity department.

Not to mention what could be done with

a programming team.

Wouldn't you agree that planet has more problems

going for it than worrying about all-in abuse?

Yet they do nothing.

07-18-2002, 06:48 AM
What are the problems that are specific to Planet then, Creampuff?? I play there all the time, limit and big-bet games.

If you are talking about nothing more serious than the dated-looking graphics, I couldn't care less personally. And I think all-in abuse is more worthy of attention than facilities to play 2 tables, for instance.

07-18-2002, 10:18 PM
"If you are talking about nothing more serious than the dated-looking graphics, I couldn't care less personally. And I think all-in abuse is more worthy of attention than facilities to play 2 tables, for instance. "

I disagree. Both bother me. I don't need

to play on a site that has bad graphics.

If the games were really good and I could

play 2 tables (increased win rate)

I would still play.

It's just not worth it to me personally to

play on site that can only support 1 table.