View Full Version : poker school online - tell me more

07-13-2002, 01:36 PM
Did anybody check out the online poker school ??

What do they offer ?

07-13-2002, 02:57 PM

07-13-2002, 04:30 PM
Hey Pirat...I have been a very active member of PSO since January, and it's a great place to play for those of us either not good enough to win consistently, or not financially able to risk lots of money on the pay sites.

This isn't to say there aren't good players at PSO...there are. In fact, some are as good as any I have ever played with.

There are two basic premises to the site. First, you gain access to a wealth of information that will help improve your game. They have lessons, tests, videos, articles by experts, etc. Learning without buying a ton of books is objective #1.

Objective #2 is to play without a huge financial risk. You start out with a small bankroll (of play money), and games are continuously available (both multi-table and satellites) that allow you to play and try to increase your bankroll. They also have an excellent rating system that allows you to compare yourself to other players. These ranking systems (bankroll and ratings) do a good job of enticing most players to play seriously, rather than just treating it as pure play money. Although there are still some jerks who do that, they are definitely the minority. While they frustrate those of us who take it seriously, they don't affect the games in a major way. This is the only play-money site I've ever seen where the games were not simply ridiculous.

Those who do well also have the opportunity to win entries into live tournaments, and they have sponsored multiple people so far, including one $10K entry into this year's WSOP. For all the details, check out the site.

The sense of community there is excellent, and there is a strong forum that complements this one nicely.

I encourage you to try it out. When I joined, there was a 14-day money back guarantee (and it's only $15 a month anyway), and as far as I know, this still exists...so there's no risk.

Good luck, and hope to see you there.

07-14-2002, 08:15 AM
www.pokerschoolonline.com (http://www.pokerschoolonline.com)