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View Full Version : Standard deviation

02-03-2005, 07:10 PM
I first asked this question in the microlimits forum since thats where I play the majority of my hands and I never got a good answer so I'm asking here. After ~10k hands at .25/.50 my standard deviation is at 25.65 when compared to what everyone else posts/suggest that seems extremely high. A high number means that I have huge swings doesn't it? My BB/100 is at 5.22 so I'm not a losing player, but I'm very concerned about this number. Can someone explain what I could be doing to make my SD so high?

Some other stats are as follows if they will help:
VP$IP - 19.34
W$WSF - 26.52 I know this is a bit low
Won&WSD - 47.97 This one seems a bit low also.
PFR - 6.95
AFTOT - 2.90

02-03-2005, 08:24 PM
You don't appear to be playing extremely loosely or aggressively, so maybe (probably at this limit) your opponents are. If you search for the polls on SD that were done in the micro and SS forums, you'll see that the average SD and the variance in SD were higher at the lower limits.

Your number is at the extreme end of the values in the Micro Poll. (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Number=1362540&page=&view=&s b=5&o=&vc=1) But I think most micro players are playing $.5/1 or $1/2.