View Full Version : Best Hum album

Patrick del Poker Grande
02-02-2005, 11:41 AM
Alright, so I like a few Hum songs and SS2 is going to cost me $23.32 on B&N online, which means I need another purchase to get over $25 and get free shipping - well played, B&N. I could either get that book on card manipulation so that I can learn how to spot a cheat (not to cheat myself, of course), or I can get a Hum cd. My dilemma here is that I recognize and like one song from each of 3 albums (do they only have 3?) and I have no idea about anything else.

Stars from You'd Prefer An Astronaut
Green To Me from Downward is Heavenward
Winder from Electra 2000 (w/ bonus track)

Which is their best album? Which one should I get?

Patrick del Poker Grande
02-02-2005, 11:43 AM
Also, not to downright ASK for my thread to go off-coarse, but what would you think of a guy if you walked into his house, saw a stack of roughly 15-20 poker books and one book on card manipulation mixed in there? Assuming you know him at least as well as you guys know me, which I don't know how much that says, would you believe him when he said it's so he can spot a cheat and not so he can cheat himself? Isn't it only responsible for him if he's going to play in random home games and 'social' clubs?

Patrick del Poker Grande
02-02-2005, 11:48 AM
Sorry... I accidentally posted this in the wrong forum, although the part about the card manipulation book does apply here.

02-02-2005, 03:52 PM
Well, I'd probably keep an eye on him. I can imagine that somebody could just be curious and have that and still be an honest player. I'd certainly flip threw it if I saw it at a book store, (is this book in bookstores?) If he was going to use it to cheat against it, I'd imagine he'd do a better job of hiding it. However, I guess I'd keep an extra eye on him.

Oh yeah, and "I could've use a little more cowbell."