View Full Version : People say I am over-tight

02-01-2005, 01:11 PM
People I play against say I am over-tight and should loosen up a bit.

I play at Paradise NL $25 buy-in - 10c/25c blinds.

These are my stats from PT:

VP$IP: 20.55%
VP$IP from SB: 30.27%

Saw flop all hands: 24.93%
Saw flop not blind: 17.69%

Won $ WSF: 25.43%

Went to Showdown: 20.61%
Won $ at Showdown: 51.10%

Pre-Flop raise: 3.72%

Post-Flop agg. Fac.: 2.75

So, where should I loosen up without going totally mad?

02-01-2005, 01:16 PM
you are not overly tight judging from stats.

02-01-2005, 01:32 PM
Some of them say that at these low stakes play should be a bit looser.
I am making a profit (though I have had a bad last month) but the looser players seem to make far more.

02-01-2005, 01:36 PM
how many hands is this data from?

what is your BB/100?

If you feel your postflop play is good, playing looser has its merits. I still don't think you are that tight though. 21vpip is about optimal.

02-01-2005, 01:54 PM
Forgot to state the number of hands:

My BB/100 has taken a bad knocking recently and is down to about 4. It was at 7 a month ago.

Maybe I will try to call a few more borderline hands in LP when the blind is unraised and see what happens.
I suppose that trying it out is the only way to find out.

I haven't been getting my fair share of big pocket pairs recently and for some reason pocket kings have been my worst ones! Even jacks are doing better.