View Full Version : Stats Analysis...

02-01-2005, 01:01 AM
Hey guys.

Been playing alot of 6 handed 25NL lately. Wanted to get a little analysis on my game. I used to play alot of limit...worked my way up to 5/10...now starting at the bottom of NL.

I use PokerOffice..so to the best of my knowledge I don't have the VP$IP indicator..but here is what I do have:

Hands: 3750
Won hands %: 17.16%
Saw Flop: 34.07%
$won: 562.9$
Showdowns won %: 48.01
Pre-Flop raise: 12.49%
First in raise: 5.89%
Showdown Seen %: 8%
Table seen flop%: 48%

Those are the only even decent indicators I see on there. Let me know if you guys would like something else you know you can get out of PokerOffice.

Personally, I see myself as a medium - aggressive player. I think 36% is a little high, but alot of that is limping, and keep in mind this IS 6 HANDED.

Thanks for any advice you have!

greg nice
02-01-2005, 01:17 AM
depends if that saw flop # includes times when you are in the big blind and check..

pokertracker vpip doesnt include those times as far as i know

02-01-2005, 01:20 AM
Yes, it does include that.

VPIP is Voluntarily put $ into pot.

So checking in the BB would not be voluntary.

02-01-2005, 01:44 AM
personally, i would say its too small of a sample size.