View Full Version : Party Steps-lower level prizes BLOW

MS Sunshine
01-29-2005, 02:19 AM
I buyin to the $200 and $500 level. I got 11 $55 and 11 $12 freerolls. This is a couple of days play here to clear these puppies up to MY normal buy-in level. Couldn't we:

1. Not give lower level freerolls below the level you are playing. We accept cash Party.

2. Have a Steps tourny $$ account and we can use them to play these tournaments, but not anything else.

3. Once you have enough freerolls that add up to the next higher level you automaticly get bump to one seat at the higher level.

MS Sunshine

01-29-2005, 03:58 AM
I like these ideas a lot, especially #2 because I think it might make the higher levels even fishier, fish play step 1 and win $55, but wait till they have won 4 and move directly to step 3 where as they normally wouldn't have made it that far. Maybe an email campaign is in order. Nice thoughts none the less MS.

01-29-2005, 07:07 AM
I think the steps are geared towards people who actually buy in to the lower levels and work the way to the top. Why would Party want to make this steps feature not a steps feature. If you want the money, play in the money. If you want the steps, or want the step caliabre of players, then take the steps. But having it both ways is just greedy.

01-29-2005, 04:13 PM
i would play these if they adopted number 2

01-29-2005, 04:39 PM
I agree. Something like S$ that are similar to Stars T$