View Full Version : Endless conspiracy drivel

05-21-2002, 08:45 PM
Just a little note to all you people who never cease wasting everyone's time with your drivel about how 'this site' doesn't have a random shuffle, and 'that site' manipulates hands so that new players/bad players win etc etc. I would like to say first off that you're all a bunch of pathetic losers who have no quams about resorting to slander if things aren't going your way - which they usually wont because you are, after all, pathetic losers. As if any of you people actually know anything - you wouldn't know a random shuffle from a 2x4 up the ass - but that doesn't stop you from shrieking about how you're being cheated. Over the last few years you have collectively accused EVERY online poker site of EVERY conceivable form of fraud and the simple truth is that behind all of it you are all just a bunch of crybaby losers who need to blame somebody or something else. Oh ya, one more thing; most of you have VERY little intelligence - thats obvious - and the one's that do are paranoid delusional. As a group you all make me puke, you're truly disgusting and infantile. I just thought I'd share that with you.Have a nice day.

05-21-2002, 09:56 PM
Jodder is the only pathetic loser. That is you.

05-22-2002, 01:15 PM

05-22-2002, 04:48 PM
Gee. Truly an objective analysis filled with analytical insights, data, research, and fact finding results.

Oh, and speaking of infantile thought processes and invalid assumptions, thanks for not doing any of that in your post. You know, toward those with whom you disagree, re their online success, playing ability, profitiability, motives, etc.

Absolutely no doubt you are right. For their ultimate love of mankind, I'm sure no employee of any unaccountable, unregulated, unaudited, offshore site with millions of untraceable dollars flowing through it, would ever consider doing anything "odd" to make or add to their financial gains.

No Enron exec. would ever do anything shady either. Especially since the Enron employee was under about a million times more scrutiny than unregulated, offshore poker site employees are.

By the way, may I suggest that Pokerspot, and Highlands are 2 places where you should immediately invest all of your poker bankroll, and maybe all your net worth as well.

After all, only an infantile, whining, loser of a crackpot nutcase, would have ever suggested that anything other than humanitarian poker paragons of spotless ethical stature, would or could ever operate such poker sites.

Just sign me,

A consistently large online winner, cashout artist, and "infantile" conspiracy freak.

05-22-2002, 05:03 PM
LOL I thought the same thing with the 2x4 comment

05-23-2002, 04:37 PM
I certainly can't argue with your reference to yourself as an " infintile " conspiracy freak - in fact I applaud your ability to express so concisely the essence of your condition. As could be expected, you believe that reduced accountability MUST mean that fraud is present. " Accountable " businesses go under every day taking investors money with them - the fact that Pokerspot went under and people lost money has nothing to do with the question of whether the poker software they offered to players was legitimate or fraudulant. The same goes for Highlands - struggling businesses can go under and you have to use some judgement where you put your money, but if Mr Brunson has said he would cover players deposits then you're not going to do any better than that in the " accountable " world, Einstein.