View Full Version : Dumb Question...

01-27-2005, 12:06 PM
Just so I understand correctly...

A good win rate is how many BB per hour?

If one should win 5BB per hour, and they're playing 1 table at .25BB NL, a good expectation would be $1.25 an hour, right?

I don't usually think about my winrate and if its good. I usually think, "cool, I made $30 or, darn it, I'm down $5" After averaging nearly $100 a night for the last three nights, last night felt so aggravating... after 3.5 hours on 3 tables at .25 BB NL... I was $8 ahead. So I was making .76 BB per hour, per table.

That's not so good, right? lol

01-27-2005, 12:23 PM
its better than losing $100+ in a few hours running up against KK vs AA. 2 pair getting flushed and a flopped 444 vs 888 among other unbelievably unlucky hands.

01-27-2005, 12:39 PM
i prefer looking at my win rate in BB/100 rather than BB/hr. the number of hands per hour that i see changes dramatically depending on whether i'm 8-tabling or 4-tabling. my win rate is something like $9/100 mostly on party PL $25.

do you have poker tracker? you can export your session data and make a graph of your winnings (http://www.scsworldwide.com/steve/stuff/poker_graph.jpg)

01-27-2005, 04:20 PM
Due to short-term variance, a winrate for just one night is essentially meaningless. You need to look at things over the long term, i.e. several thousand hands.