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View Full Version : Party table selection

01-26-2005, 08:49 AM
Cross-posted at PT forum. Here it goes...

Ok... So, I've read all about table selection att Bet-The-Pot and how to use Poker Tracker to find the juiceiest tables. The suggestions say that you should observe a couple of tables for 20 minutes or so before you decide where to sit down.

To my problem... When I turn on my computer there's about 65000 players online at Party Poker. I have a look at the 3/6 tables where avg. pot is above 44-45. The tables I choose to observe often have more than 5 players on the waiting list. With so many players coming and going, how do you know the table you're about to enter is still juicy? All it takes for a table to turn ugly is for one or two calling stations to be replaced by sharks.

Anyone practice good table selection and able to explain this theory further???

01-26-2005, 09:16 AM
Most folks on the waiting list are just waiting for the first available table with 8+ players to become free. You will usually find even if you are no. 5 on the list at party that you will be the first one up by the time a seat on the specific table you want becomes free.

01-26-2005, 09:40 AM
Ok... Thanks for the info. I assume that you're the same "excession" that writes all articles about Poker Tracker at Bet-The-Pot. Great reading, can't wait for the upcoming articles on spotting leaks.

01-26-2005, 02:09 PM
I think if you are playing at Party, table selection is not as important as some would have you believe. The players turn over pretty fast, so the table that's tough now will often be loose in ten minutes, and vice versa. Also, it has never made much sense to me to get on a long waiting list for a juicy table. By the time you get a seat, the players that are making the table good will often be gone. Also, Party's waiting lists don't work right. Sometimes people get dropped from the lists, and if there is more than one open seat, or a short list, you can often get a seat immediately on a table with a waiting list. My usual approach is to find the table with the biggest average pot size that I can get an immediate seat on. If the table proves to be extremely tough, or turns tough later I might switch, or I might just adjust my play and wait for more fish to sit.

01-26-2005, 02:31 PM
I ususally take a seat right away (based upon pot size) and get my tables up and running.

I play tight for a couple of orbits and just see for myself how the game is. If I am seeing alot of TAGs and SLAGs, I click out and leave.

There is no shame in abandoning a tough table after (1) orbit.

Also, sometimes I will pick a 6 or 7 person table even with a bad pot size. Reason being as soon a you click on, and get the number up to 7 or 8 usually the other seats fill quickly. Since there are more bad players than good players, pretty good chance the people filling those seats will be bad, so then you have created your own good table.

That said table selection is one of the reasons I still play paradise and Stars even though I get RB on a skin. The player pool is smaller and you can actually sit a table where you have notes on 4-5 people.

01-27-2005, 05:35 AM
1. What is Bet-The-Pot?

2. Most of the tables at Party are pretty good. I just join the table with the highest average pot that has a seat open (some of the ones that say they have a waiting list will actually have an open seat). If, after about 2 orbits, the table isn't good, I leave and find a new one. Most of the time, my first table is very profitable, it is very rare that I need to switch tables more than 2 or 3 times.

01-27-2005, 05:54 PM
www.bet-the-pot.com (http://www.bet-the-pot.com) is where my PT Newbie guides are hosted (also linked to from official PT forums by PT Pat)

I strongly recommend firing up 4 observer tables 20-30 minutes before you are due to satrt play so you don't log into a Party or UB table cold when there is no need.

01-28-2005, 02:20 AM
Buddy List. Buddy List. Buddy List.


01-28-2005, 03:12 PM
If you have buddies on your list is there a way to find out the table they are at?