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01-26-2005, 03:33 AM
I haven't seen this posted yet (which surprises me), but WTF?


When you listen to the exchange beforehand, this 'Miss Jones' character just sounds like a complete idiot. WTF.. And what's with the completely half-ass apology statement?

At least rapper Jin (Who is Chinese) made a nice little reply:


01-26-2005, 03:56 AM
Ok, I'll first say that the thing's pretty offensive, and I think it's about as PC as a song about the WTC and people jumping out windows. I was even offended by it just due to the lack of class.

But they actually used the word "chinamen." That's one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.

Oh, and the "tree right through her head" line/rhythm was pretty funny if removed from the context of talking about a tragedy that killed about a billion people.


Michael Davis
01-26-2005, 04:02 AM
OMG. People, you need to listen to this. OMG. OMG.


01-26-2005, 04:07 AM
Man, Jin's response was HOT... Seriously... The rhymes were dope, smart, and tight. He totally owned those idiots.

01-26-2005, 04:10 AM
I heard the entire argument and song earlier today on a site, but now that link is dead. The song isn't even remotely funny, and not because it was distasteful, but just because it wasn't funny at all.

And the argument made the host of the show seem really ignorant.

01-26-2005, 06:52 AM
i sent an email to hot97 but their inbox was full. Damnit. Ive never written a hatemail before and the first time i do it gets bounced back to me. This was pretty shitty. I dont have anything to add at the moment, but sign the petitions, email the sponsers, complain to the FCC. This is bulsshit and shouldnt be accepted.

Im pissed.

01-26-2005, 10:50 AM
I agree with what this guy says:





big controversy. hot 97 morning show. the biggest hip hop station in the tri-state area...in prob the biggest market in the country period. some black chick making fun of asians and doing a song parody of tsunami disaster. i think i saw the link and the online petition on one out of every two xanga pages i'm sub to. first off...shame on you asian fuckers for listening to nigger morning radio. who the [censored] wants to listen to mary j blige at 7 am? jodeci? now that's some serious junglebunny music. i remember when i was back in college....at the frat house on the dance floor...checking out all the drunk hoes. the dj plays some nigger song...."candy coated rain drops"..some high pitch nigger voice comes on and that's my cue to leave. i hate r&b.

why do you guys care so much what this miss cleo bitch has to say about us "chinks"? you [censored] activists out there...do you REALLY care when some high public figure makes fun of black people? or when someone makes jokes about indians? no. it just hurts when a little [censored] is thrown your way. i dont condone what blackie had to say but who cares? it's one silly black bitch clowning on asians. she will not be the last. yes..she's doing it in a public forum on a radio station. still.....why get so worked up? i listened to it. it was insulting and i thought it was retarded and it got me mad (not really) but not MAD like some of you. "GRRRRRR...this infuriates me!!!!!!!!!! *signs online petition 5 times*. you online peition signers are so cute, i just wanna pinch your cheeks and then make you listen to a b2k album.

everyone...chill the [censored] out and eat a taco. (by the way anytime you use the word "taco" in an sentence...it's funny to me..i dont know why) you think hot 97 advertisers are gonna pull their advertising? probably not. if they did...will you feel good? why the [censored] do their advertisers care about you chinks? they dont. and if this lady makes a half assed apology....will you feel better even though it's completely bullshit and being said because the radio station's general manager demands her to? all the publicity has only helped. trust me on that. anyways...she said what she felt about asians. it's ok. not everyone has to like asians.

people...rascism is here to stay. racisim is that fuckign annoying family member who will never go away. he/she will always be in your family and you have to acvept it. i know i sound so [censored] pessimistic and [censored]...but i consider myself a realist not a pessimist. some things will never be changed...never. we will always have racisim, sexism, pollution jsut to name a few things. "it starts one person at a time...you can make a difference". um shut up. "you can save the earth by recycling and stuff....hehehe". shut the [censored] up captain planet. i never recycled in my life. ozone layer? [censored] it. i would double fist aqua net hairspray aerosol cans and spray that [censored] into the air all day if i had time. i'm ONE person...and there will ALWAYS be that enough assholes out there who [censored] it up for us. you know? i'm down for change if EVERYONE was in. but it's not like that...cause either the niggers or spics will be the first to [censored] it all up for us. anyways...you know how hard it is to round up old college friends of mine that are in philly, baltimore, ny, etc? you REALLY think we're gonna get everyone in this [censored] world to be tolerable of each other, to be kind to each other, not to kill each other, not to rape each other..to be on the same wave legnth? nigger please!

you konw how you can find out if someone isnt really a racist? i mean REALLY not a racist. imagine...you have a daughter...or a sister, cousin...whatever. she brings home a corn rowed brotha from da hood. he has wristbands on, headband, and wearing his michael vick jersey (his dress to impress outfit)....and let's see your reaction. this kentucky fried nigger is gonna be your brother in law, son in law, etc. acceptable to you? if you dont even flinch when he walks in the door...then yes...you really are one of the few peopel who are not racist. congratulations..you get a new care bear doll to add to your collection.

hey..it's OK if you're racist. it's OK if you think homosexuals should be shipped off to alaska. oh by the way..what do you call a gay eskimo? (kool-AIDS. har har...sixth grade joke) anyways....we're all so sensitive to what's politically correct and [censored]. i support the american troops in iraq. guess what? i'm allowed to..and dont [censored] judge me or someone else just casue i lure little kids into my ice cream van then trick them into getting nekkid.....i mean becasue i supoport US troops in iraq. jk. not everyone has to think like YOU. people...please....we're in the usa. you know...pilgrims and [censored] came here not just to eat turkey and give native americans diseases...but to escape persecution from their native land to have the freedom to follow whatever religion they want. this is a great country because dumb black people can get on the radio and say and do retarded [censored].

anyways...dont get me wrong now...i agree the tsunami song paradoy of "we are the world" was TASTELESS...but they are free to be tasteless. arent we judging them more because bad taste? should i start an online petition for all you fat chicks that wear tight clothing? or an online petition for you asian girls who wear glasses sometimes thinking you're all cute and sexy librarian looking when in fact you look like a douche bag? of course not. if you stood on yoru soap box and shared YOUR true feelings about other ethinicities with the public....would the people passing by not be insulted? of course they would. racism is here to stay. holla.

my point of this enty: niggers are dumb...but you're dumberer if you let a nigger upset you.

oh by the way the black dj is like.."you think you're superior cause you're asian". hahaha. and the asian girl is like "no no". i woud have been like.."let me put it in a way you would understand nubian princess...fo shizzle ma nizzle niggur!!!!!!!!!!"

"you take the good, you take the bad. you take them both and then you have...the facts of life...the facts of life"

here's a song parody for dem dirty little niggurs out durr.....

i cant think of any other songs to parody that i havent so here goes. i parodied fat chicks with this song and you guys seemed to love it. so it's ok to make fun of fatties but not ok to make fun of asians? you get my point?

christina agulera's "beautiful (nigger)"

Don't rob me

Every nigger is so horrible
Then suddenly, it's hard to breathe
Now and then, I get so skurred
From all the niggers, werrrrrd

you're a dirty nigger, no matter what mlk jr says
please dont beat me down
you're a dirty nigger in every single way
Yes, please dont beat me down
So don't you steal my car radio today


justin timberlake's..."rock your nigger"

Don’t be so quick to walk away (holla at me)
I wanna rob your family, please dont scream (holla at me)
You don’t have to call the damn...poh-leece (holla at me)
Just let me rob you and yo family (holla at me)

that black dj bitch got nothing on me. jk. seiorusly people...lighten up and eat a [censored] taco (hahah...taco).

oh...are you still outraged by what they said on the radio?!?!?!?! you want to get back at hot 97 and dem niggers?!!!!!???? sign up for one of my free links and we'll show them who's boss......




disregard everything i wrote about in this post. i'm just playing...i just want a free photp ipod. SIGN UP! me a nigger.

i'm going through some of these comments now. you guys are all such compassionate people. you waste time to sign a retarded online petition bnut you cant send [censored] 10 dollars to some people who could really use it over in southeast asia? hypocrites. jk...just sign up for the mini mac. i really need completed offers on that one. bye."

We're too PC for our own good nowadays.

01-26-2005, 11:10 AM
I don't feel like searching the archives for any of your other Poo-Bah quality posts, but what the hell are you saying?

Look, I am politically incorrect as anyone here, I assure you. But there's a difference between not genuflecting to some mythical notion of egalitarianism, and just being plain (I won't say ignant) f*cking stupid.

Please excuse me if your post was made in jest. It's early, and I don't have my sarcasm detector working yet.

Just for the record, I am not a big fan of African-American culture (he said euphemistically). But that's a long way from being anywhere near where you're coming from, Jethro.

01-26-2005, 11:35 AM
No, my post was not made in jest. Yes, Miss Jones is an ignorant racist but I believe this whole thing is blown out of proportion.

So a black morning DJ made fun of a bunch of Asians and the tsunami disaster. Big whoop-dee-do. The same thing goes on with all the races about all the other races in our homes, with our friends, in our own heads.

Everyone is racist to some extent, it's just a matter of how much we act on our racist thoughts that differentiate us from the true nutjobs.

01-26-2005, 12:18 PM
No, my post was not made in jest. Yes, Miss Jones is an ignorant racist but I believe this whole thing is blown out of proportion.

So a black morning DJ made fun of a bunch of Asians and the tsunami disaster. Big whoop-dee-do. The same thing goes on with all the races about all the other races in our homes, with our friends, in our own heads.

Everyone is racist to some extent, it's just a matter of how much we act on our racist thoughts that differentiate us from the true nutjobs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Let's assume that you are aware of the fact that it's downright rhetorical to point out that something is "blown way out of proportion." Of course it is. Everything is. This goes without saying.

This clearly being true, let's ask ourselves if there is ANY sort of standard we would like to see upheld when it comes to portraying ourselves (as a species) as utterly failing in our efforts to evolve.

When we see BLATANT evidence that we are failing, I see no problem with examining the evidence.

These people, and people like them, are absolutely abject, and should be sifted out and either repaired or eliminated. They are bad for the machine.

That said, words don't effect me much, but I am objective enough to observe how profoundly they effect other people, and I am observant enough to hope to avoid the ramifications of those effects.

01-26-2005, 12:59 PM
ancient pc your post makes no sense. are you using an ignorant asian's post to show that blatently making fun of a huge tragedy is ok?

anyways, this was the most horrible thing i have ever heard on radio. can you imagine the reaction from americans if someone made a song this offensive about 9/11? and of course the tsunami was much much more tragic than 9/11. what about if 200,000 african americans were killed by a sudden virus? retarded.

i couldnt believe she went off on that miss info girl like that for seperating herself for the most offensive radio bit in recent history. i hope they all get fired and dont find new jobs. people that dumb dont deserve work.

if howard stern got repeatedly fined and threatened, this event should get her entirely fired. i will be shocked if sterns show is viewed worse than this.

jin killed it

01-26-2005, 01:01 PM
Yes, Miss Jones is an ignorant racist but I believe this whole thing is blown out of proportion.

[/ QUOTE ]

how was it blown out of proportion? nothing happened to her. the gave a half assed apology. she wanst even suspended.

The Ocho
01-26-2005, 01:07 PM
Opie and Anthony got fired for way less than this. Twice. And they were actually funny.

01-26-2005, 01:08 PM
Yes, Miss Jones is an ignorant racist but I believe this whole thing is blown out of proportion.

[/ QUOTE ]

how was it blown out of proportion? nothing happened to her. the gave a half assed apology. she wanst even suspended.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wonder why nothing happened to her. Wonder if the station thinks she'll sue if they let her go? What would she claim if she did sue? Racism?

sometimes people shouldn't be allowed to breathe.

01-26-2005, 01:08 PM
The single fact that we're here discussing it on the forums is giving it more attention than it deserves.

I'm sure the station will lose sponsors, the DJ will be fined / fired / whatever in due time.

But when did American society give a [censored] what others think? It's when they start hate crimes that's a problem.

01-26-2005, 01:31 PM
The single fact that we're here discussing it on the forums is giving it more attention than it deserves.

[/ QUOTE ]
huh? you have seen the other topics in this forum? obviously this is more worthy of discussion than 99% of the other topics here.


But when did American society give a [censored] what others think? It's when they start hate crimes that's a problem.

[/ QUOTE ]

this is a very ignorant view of the process of racism. everything starts from bits like this. and when did american society start caring what people think? ummm.. civil rights movement? anyways i fail to see the logic here. i guess you are saying that its ok to espouse racism aas long as you dont physically hurt or kill someone?

01-26-2005, 01:40 PM

01-26-2005, 02:00 PM
I'll add my two cents:

I really think is an amazing case of stupidity, not necessarily racism. To say this on the air is such poor judgement that all these people should be fired immediately. Any manager who doesn't fire them should be fired immediately for equally poor judgement. It doesn't matter if they were joking or not.

01-26-2005, 02:02 PM
Hey Paluka,

Not that I listen (oddly enough I follow the Radio Industry from my days of being infatuated with WNEW) but do you think Hot 97 went extra shocking because Starr and Buckwild are back on Power 105?

For thos who dont know. Starr was this dude who was on Hot 97 here, and actually beat Stern in the ratings here a few times, doing an Urban Shock Jock thing. He got fired for making fun of the death of Aliyah. He just came back and is now on Hot 97s direct rival.

I love the radio business, but I don't listen to the radio. Weirdness.

01-26-2005, 02:02 PM
Hey Paluka,

Not that I listen (oddly enough I follow the Radio Industry from my days of being infatuated with WNEW) but do you think Hot 97 went extra shocking because Starr and Buckwild are back on in Power?

[/ QUOTE ]

I have no idea who these people are.

01-26-2005, 02:05 PM
I edited it... I'm a bit of an industry enthusiast, but I thought living in NY you knew who Starr and Buckwild were. Apologies.

I'm listening to GI Joe Headstomp right now.

01-26-2005, 09:17 PM
See, the thing is, I'm one of the most un-PC guys around... it takes a lot to really offend me, and this did it. I don't even think it's because I'm asian. This was just pure ignorant stupidity, and I just could not believe something like this could get onto the air. I mean, making fun of the tsunami disaster is bad enough, but what's with this 'chink' and 'chinaman' stuff... if you heard the word 'nigger' on the radio (and NOT 'nigga'), you can bet heads would be flying. I was just speechless, really. And for those who think people are blowing this out of proportion, not everything is fair game, believe it or not. When people die, you leave it alone. I thought that whole Aaliyah death thing was offensive too. Ditto with Stern's Selena fiasco from a few years back. I'm sorry, but I find making fun of someone else's death just not very entertaining. Unless of course you're talking about the Darwin awards.

01-26-2005, 09:30 PM
I don't even think it's because I'm asian.

[/ QUOTE ]

Since when was blackanese asian?
