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View Full Version : Mason thanks ever so much for saying highlands was

05-01-2002, 12:50 AM
a safe place 2 put money into and not 2 worry.

I followed youre advice and deposited money and now it appears im going 2 get stiffed.

Thanks alot again mason!

05-01-2002, 03:41 AM
I actually don't remember saying this, but I won't argue with you in case I did.

I do believe that Doyle Brunson is a man of integrity, and I expect (and hope) that whatever problems the site is having that they get fixed.

As for how much risk there is with any site going under and not being able to pay their customers, well, I really don't know. So, let the buyer beware.

Best wishes,


05-01-2002, 04:09 AM
Didn't Doyle make a post on 2+2 or rgp giving players his personal guarantee? The post I'm thinking of was probably at least a year ago. Those of you who are concerned about their money might want to do some research.

05-01-2002, 04:17 AM

05-01-2002, 11:48 AM
You might remember after posting youre. Go ahead deposit youre money at highlands its safe.

Some one posted after you that youre statement was very irresponsible and silly. You were esentially saying all internet poker sites were safe.

And that is silly.

Also i was silly for trusting you.

Thanks again.

05-01-2002, 11:56 AM
He dont remember?? LMAO ofcourse not because he stuffed his foot in his freaking mouth AGAIN!!!

Why would he???

But we all seen it....Just many wont comment because of Mr. Mason being Such a "SAINT" and all.....LMAO

05-01-2002, 01:32 PM
Are you an adult? I do feel sorry for your situation, but your comments are irrational and childish. Mason's post was something to the effect that he would GUESS that Highlands was safe because Doyle Brunson is a man of integrity. It was speculative, and he has no connection to the site. Rational adults look at the site, see that there are few or no games in progress, and then make a decision on whether or not it seems like a safe bet to deposit your money there. I would never play on a site with little or no traffic, it's really that simple. Common sense is key here, and while you are justified to be mad at Highlands, Mason offered an opinion (and he has mentioned that he doesn't play online so take that for what it's worth), not a guarantee.
