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View Full Version : PT stats - losing hole cards

01-20-2005, 09:37 PM

Great forum - the only place to be!

I originally got PT to use with Game Time +, but everything got a bit sluggish while multi-tabling, so I don't use Game Time + anymore. So I decided to analyse my PT stats in some depth. It's not always obvious how the stats can help fix flaws in your game, but I think I've found a few and just wanted to run them by the forum for any additional input.

Firstly, the general stats:

45,000 hands
VPIP 19.82%
PFR 5.49%
BB/100 1.91 (mostly LIMIT $2/$4)
Total Aggression post-flop 1.63 (for the last 10,000 hands this has gone up to about 2.4)

I'm pretty happy with those stats. However, compared to other players in my data-base (2,000 hands+), I'm only "average" re. my BB/100 rate. Some have over 5 BB/100. This got me thinking as to why I'm not at the same level as them. I've read SSHE (and re-read and re-read, etc), but I'm not 100% sure I apply the concepts to my game. So I decided to look at my PT stats and the losing starting hands.

First, I sorted VPIP under the general tab in PT, and then I looked at the top 20 losers, i.e. BB/Hand that were in the red. The following are the results:

1st column = hole cards
2nd column = VPIP%
3rd column = BB/Hand

KQs 95% (0.27)
99 85% (0.13)
44 79% (0.17)
66 78% (0.15)
55 73% (0.09)
A6s 65% (0.15)
ATo 62% (0.04)
A2s 59% (0.31)
K9s 55% (0.13)
KTo 29% (0.04)
A9o 29% (0.02)
Q8s 26% (0.22)
K8s 25% (0.21)
65s 21% (0.02)
75s 21% (0.30)
97s 20% (0.07)
54s 19% (0.14)
43s 19% (0.07)
QTo 19% (0.08)
53s 18% (0.12)

Conclusions that I have drawn:

1) KQs - I've just been unlucky with this hand
2) I play small to medium pairs too much - VPIP 70-80% (either out of position or withh too few in the pot)
3) I play Axs too much - VPIP 60% (either out of position or too few in the pot)
4) I play too many lower suited connectors (0/1 gap). I suspect this is because I always play these in an unraised pot in the small blind (I'm sure Ed Miller recommends this)

Is there anything else I should be considering? Should we be striving to get most of these numbers up to zero or above?

Another part of my game that I struggle with is Axs.

1st column = hole cards
2nd column = VPIP%
3rd column = BB/Hand

AJs 95% 1.10
AKs 99% 0.66
ATs 86% 0.50
AQs 97% 0.30
A7s 71% 0.14
A8s 81% 0.10
A5s 61% 0.08
A3s 51% 0.04
A9s 79% 0.04
A4s 56% 0.03
A6s 65% (0.15)
A2s 59% (0.31)

Could these stats be better? Or are they acceptable?

Lastly (sorry it's a long post), I've noticed that of those players that I have played most with (15 players with 2,000+ hands), 11 have a BB/100 that is positive - all with a VPIP of between 14-20%. Of the 4 that have a negative BB/100 they have the following VPIP and BB/100:

11.73% (1.83)
18.73% (0.34)
12.47% (0.37)
12.33% (3.78)

All apart from 1 has a VPIP of ~12%! How do you explain that?

Thanks for any input, and be lucky!
