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01-20-2005, 04:34 AM
I have never been good at math so can anyone help me with this ? Thanks Much.

01-20-2005, 05:55 AM
ROI= (return - investment)/investment. For example, if you enter a tournamet for $10 and win $15,
ROI = (15-10)/10 =5/10 = 50%.
I suspect what you want is how to work out EV, which is very difficult. For a hand, the only way I can think of to work out the exact EV for say limit holdem ( its impossible in practice for no-limit, and may take weeks to work out for limit) would be to use a decision tree, similar to that sometimes used by investors who are analysing situations involving real options. Since you are no good at math, I doubt you have come across it used in such a situation, but everyone knows what a decision tree in general is right? Go pick up a text book on finance, something like Brealy and Myers, and flip to the section on real options, Im sure they will have a discussion of decision trees. Anyway, you will need to put a branch for each of fold,call and raise then for each a branch for fold,call and raise and so on. You will end up with tonnes of paths (millions) and realise its a waste of time because it probably doesnt matter too much if you can just make a reasonable estimate based on probability and past experience along with what you think your opponent will do in various situations. If you can manage to get through one single hand completely allowing for every kind of flop, turn, river , you will have material for a very good book I think. My suggestion is work backwards from the river. That way you will get something out of it immediately and it may encourage you to keep going.
good luck.

01-20-2005, 12:39 PM
Actually I was trying to figure how to do it for SnGs. Any Ideas on that ?

01-20-2005, 01:49 PM
Like he said..

ROI= (return - investment)/investment. For example, if you enter a tournamet for $10 and win $15,
ROI = (15-10)/10 =5/10 = 50%.

It's the same for SnG and MTT..(money won minus the buyin) divided by buy-in...50$ sng, win 150, 150-50 = 100, 100/50 = 200% ROI

01-26-2005, 02:50 PM
don't forget the vig. standard 50sng costing 55 (50 buyin and 5 vig) pays 250-55=195 for the winner, 95 for 2nd, and 45 for third.

ie, if play 1 tournament and finish third, ROI = 45/55 = 81.82%, and not 45/50 = 90%.

01-26-2005, 02:57 PM
The most practical way is to play N SnGs (preferably >100, this number will be directly proportional to the accuracy of your ROI figure), then figure out your average $$$/SnG. This number is X, and C is the cost of entering one SnG.

ROI = (X+C)/C