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View Full Version : Help with stats on Pokertracker...

01-19-2005, 08:11 PM
I have the following stats after just 9,943 hands.
I play 0.25/).50 at Paradise and although I make a profit I dont feel secure enough to go up a level just yet.
Could some kind soul pleasde tell me what my stats are like considering the level I am playing at...

VP$IP 19.80
VP$IP from SB 41.99
FSB to Steal: 69.44
FBB to Steal: 58.33
Att to Steal Blinds: 27.65
Won$WSF: 31.52
BB/100: 6.11
WTSD: 36.29
W$SD: 50.49
Raised Preflop: 6.58
Aggression -
Flop: 1.22
Turn: 2.12
Folded to River Bet: 52.77

All feedback would be extremely appreciated...

I salute the members of this forum!

01-19-2005, 09:57 PM
i'm a little new to pt also, but i'm gonna give it a shot. i think you might be a little too loose out of the sb, i believe the ideal range is around 35%. your flop aggression seems a little low also. all that being said, 6bb's/100 is ABSOLUTELY CRUSHING a game, and you probably dont need to make too many adjustments at all. congradulations!

01-19-2005, 11:39 PM
VPISB should be around 30, PFR should be about half of VPIP, and flop aggression is too low (total aggression should be over 2).

01-20-2005, 12:49 AM
I'd like to see lower VPIP and higher PFR and my god, man, you are folding to a river bet more than half the time, are you always on a draw? but hell, stats only matter so much...


01-20-2005, 06:21 AM
I suppose I fold when I think I dont have the best hand...but maybe I am on a draw too often...

I appreciate the feedback...Thanks!