View Full Version : Recipe for getting stuck.

02-07-2002, 03:55 AM
Take one part lunatic, add one part of a little bad luck, (short term variance for you math types), Stir in some mild tilt and voila, you gotcherself a bonafide losing session.

I didn't invent this recipe, but I have eaten it and I gotta tell, it gives you the worst case of heartburn you'll ever experience.

02-07-2002, 02:15 PM

02-07-2002, 05:21 PM

02-07-2002, 08:34 PM
Yeah, not nearly as eloquent as I was hoping, but what I was really trying to get to was this: Sometimes, you just are not going to win. I can't explain why but going crazy and firing chips only harms the bankroll (and doesn't help the ego either). Many people claim that online poker is "fixed" because of the bad beats they suffer, the fact is, while on tilt, everything seems like it's a bad beat. Taking Kings up against obvious aces and paying off for multiple bets. Calling 10-Js from EP and flopping a jack only to get outkickered. This is just bad play, not bad luck. That was what I was hoping to illustrate, poorly I might add.



PS Is a bad post reason for telling someone to drop dead?? Geez, this is a tuff crowd :-(