View Full Version : Need Opinions

02-06-2002, 08:57 AM
This is hand history for hand #4204624 at Poker.com.

I am posting this because I (Phreena) believe that I should have won $56.12 of this pot. Yet, it only paid me $10.25.

I have been going back and forth with Poker.com on this for a few days now, and they refuse to acknowledge that I was shorted.

So, is my math wrong?? Here is how I figure it:

My contribution to pot was $35.75 (at which time I was all-in). There were 6 players total in the hand (6x35.75 = 214.50). And there was $10 dead money...making the total of the pot that I contributed to $224.50. I split the high hand, so I should get 1/4 of that.

Board 7d 6c Jc 3h Kh

Badbob K 4 2 5

P 0 C 10 C 10 R 30 C 10 R 20 S 0 $80 $111.25

(won $191.25)

Phreena 8 A 5 4

SB 2.50 C 7.50 B 5 C 5 B 10 AI 5.75 S 0 $35.75 $-25.50

(won $10.25)

Lightamp cards

mucked BB 5 C 5 F 0 $10 $-10

martyp cards

mucked P 0 F 0 $0 $0

buddyweiser cards

mucked P 0 F 0 $0 $0

dagee11 (D) 2 A 8 10

P 0 C 10 C 10 C 30 C 10 C 20 S 0 $80 $20.50

(won $100.50 (low pot))

gambler1 cards

mucked P 0 C 10 C 10 C 10 C 20 C 10 CH 0 F 0 $60 $-60


P 0 C 10 C 10 R 20 R 20 B 10 C 10 S 0 $80 $20.75

(won $100.75 (low pot))

RRadarr cards

mucked P 0 R 10 R 10 C 10 C 20 C 10 CH 0 F 0 $60 $-60

02-06-2002, 11:16 AM
Wow, that's the most nonsensical hand history format I've ever seen. Looks like they didn't bother to change the format they used for debugging.

If it happened as you tell it, then as far as I can see your calculations are correct. I don't know how they can make it $10.25, that isnt a quarter of anything sensible. Maybe you should point out to them that it is logically impossible that you can put all your money into a 6-way pot and then wind up with less than you started with when the pot is only split up four ways.

If they don't listen to that, then cash out and play somewhere else, I guess.


02-06-2002, 08:23 PM
The way I see it is your share is $55.50. You were in the main pot of 224.50 - 3.00 rake == 221.50. The high half of that is 110.75 and your share is 55.50 (you had early position so you get the extra quarter). I've been looking at this trying to come up with a bug in the side pot algorithm that could come up with what you got, but I can't see it. I think they need to take a good hard look at their side pot code. To end up with 10.25 you would have to get credit for being in a side pot of $41 (43 or 44 prerake depending on how they rake). I don't see any combination that could lead to this. They got the low half of the pot correct. They just shorted you on your share of the high half of the pot.