View Full Version : A Database

01-21-2002, 06:06 AM

I have had a few ask about my databases. This is a summary of my most recent one which I use for PartyPoker, which is where I'm currently putting in most of my play. I started this about the beginning of Nov., so it has a ways to go.

Comments, good and bad, are welcome.

Party Poker Database 1/02

Total players: 554

1: 1

2: 4

3: 18

4: 91

5: 72

6: 38

7: 11

8: 7

9: 2

nr 312

Of the 312 with no rating 60 have playing style notes.

Of the 91 Grp 4's, 43 have a "tight?" comment in the playing style which means I have played enough with not to see any glaring mistakes.

242 players with ratings.

1: 00.4%

2: 01.6

3: 07.4

4: 37.6

5. 29.8

6: 15.7

7: 04.6

8: 02.9

9: 00.8

As you can see, 2/3 of players land in the average(4) and below average groups. This database is about 90 days old and over time with enough observations more will move up to above average(3) and down to poor(6) but unless the amount of new players doesn't slow, the middle groups will continue to have the bulk of the players in them. This also a factor of how I view poker, many average and below average players. So, shoot me.

There is about 60 players in Group 6-9. Every player at the top knows these players by name whether they keep notes or not. For this is where the bulk of games that are very profitable are built around. Some only come out every month or so. Some I fear will never be seen again, sigh. It is split on their playing stlyes in the lower groups. "loose caller" is easy to understand, they call and call and call. How much they call decides which group they end up in.

"very loose/very ag" are the big fish, they swim in the pot avg $180-220($10-20 HE) end of the pool. The group 6 "very loose/very ag" are the ones that seem to be the best at overcoming their playing style, the playing of too many hands, by playing very tough on the later betting rounds.

Most of the rest in these lower groups are "loose ag" and are just plain weak, but play fewer hands than the true go-off artists.

In the top groups "med tight ag" gets the money it seems. This process is very subjective, it is how I see the player and how tough it is for me to play against them. "tight ag" is more the group 3 or 4. and most likely the player that I wish to have behind me. Since I play less hands with them, having this player, even though they play well, behind me hurts me less than having any med loose agressive player behind me, good or bad.

Almost any player in the top groups is tricky, some more than others. The good short-hand players, which can adjust for ring games are well represented here.

I will not give out the names any of the lower groups, but here is my opinion of the best players in the $10-20 hold'em:








Dan Druff

Tuco Ramirez


There are other group 3's on the site, but they play other games, some that I do not play well enough to judge fairly, some could say the same thing about my hold'em game.

For me to give a player a high rating I must have seen them play for a period of time and with good solid play with very little tilt.

There are other players which seem to play good, but till they become a HUGE pain in the ass by repeatly taking my money and other's they will stay as group 4's.

Hope this has some value.

MS Sunshine

01-21-2002, 07:18 AM
Wow that sounds really cool, what you've done! By the way, you play just one table at a time right? I don't see how it would be possible to play multiple tables and keep track of your opponents, and write down this info while the game is going on! Though Party Poker games are not as fast as games on say, Paradise.

Also, do you change tables or not play at all when the lineup isn't favorable? Or are the games relatively stable on Party Poker?

- Tony

01-21-2002, 01:03 PM
Where's Tibolt, and why ain't I higher than 6 on ur ranking? /images/smile.gif

01-21-2002, 03:19 PM
Do you think you could post the bottom of your list? If not I understand, but I doubt any of them visit this forum. Also, shouldn't DebzStealth be up there.

You should start selling your database.

01-21-2002, 03:56 PM
Usually I play two games. I will keep all the players in the best game in my notes window and tack any new players in the other game on the bottom. I can also look a player up in the database during a hand for more info.

The worst moment is when you decide to make a long-term move from a poker site. When I stopped playing Paradise my database there was 700+. I wanted to cry. At PokerSpot my database was 500+, then they stiffed everyone and closed. I did cry.

Party will have a couple full $10-20's along with a couple of the 6-max games going. So, you find yourself moving around and checking the lobby alot.

It takes about 3-4 minutes to resort the database on a move. Most of the times if I know I will be leaving a game I put the new game up, you can have three games open at the same time, and have the line-up ready before I get there.

If the games are not good then I play stud 8/B or omaha 8/B. The omaha game is always good, if I'm there, because what I know about omaha 8/B could be written on the head of a pin, along with the Lord's prayer.

Have a nice day.

MS Sunshine

01-21-2002, 03:58 PM
you're a 3, like in the third group of players that I listed. Tibolt is another matter.

MS Sunshine

01-21-2002, 04:09 PM
DebzStealth is a good player, but I have not played much with her lately. I know she is given respect by the other good players, but till I see a player play good over time, they can't work there way up from group four.

Sometimes it is just a matter of not playing the same hours as other players. The same thing happens with some of the juicy players that everyone flocks to and you are left sitting at a table alone and are 15th on the list for a game and you don't know who the live one is.

In games and away from them I never point at or laugh at the less skilled players. So, no list of the lower groups.

MS Sunshine

01-21-2002, 05:23 PM
I'd be curious to know what program U use (and how U structure it) for your database....if ur willing to divulge that info??

01-21-2002, 05:33 PM
You wouldn't mind sharing your handle on PartyPoker would you? /images/smile.gif

I know the importance of keeping notes, but it's a lot of work, and I like having everything automated myself (I'm lazy!). I'm working on a way to automatically fill a table once you join, and to automatically generate "notes" on players.

Hope you don't start a feeding frenzy! I'm thinking of buying in to Party Poker again... Bought in originally for about 30 BB to play 10/20, and got up to 50BB a few times but cashed out with 10BB. /images/frown.gif

- Tony

01-21-2002, 09:58 PM
Get Gibralter off that list! He's no better than group 4.

01-21-2002, 10:14 PM
My wife and I are MS Sunshine at most poker sites.

MS Sunshine

01-21-2002, 10:24 PM
StarOffice and there is a post, within the last month, under "Player Profiles", explaining how I have mine set-up.

Have a nice day.

MS Sunshine

01-21-2002, 10:34 PM
A buddy or a busted opponent?

MS Sunshine

01-22-2002, 12:22 AM
I got to Star Office, but can't seem to find U there.....what is the secret??

01-22-2002, 04:03 AM
Busted. That guy pays my tuition.