View Full Version : Crazy Jim : Fat moron or Fat loser or both?

11-11-2001, 05:20 PM
Well, obviously Crazy Jim feels it necessary to make stupid posts about stuff he has no idea about... However can anyone really be that stupid, that fat, or that large of a loser (AND I MEAN LARGE IN ALL ASPECTS)... Perhaps he would feel better and stop criticizing people if he finally could win at a single thing, or muster up enough money to move out of my basement.


Fat Crazy Stupid Jim's Mom

11-11-2001, 05:36 PM

11-12-2001, 08:40 PM
Don't be fooled, Crazy Jim is a tight, tough, cutthroat bugger at the tables.



11-13-2001, 02:47 AM
Blame JarJar for putting your picture up...hey, I THOUGHT Steve O was the FLUBBIEST magic player...but I was wrong.

Incidently, Nate and BabyHuey havent seen me since I lost 70 pounds, so the whole fat-joke thing doesn't bug me at all.

In the interest of public health....have your mommy take the donuts away dude, you're gonna POP soon.