View Full Version : Messenger cheats,bobcards,K Rose etc

10-29-2001, 03:24 PM
normally i would just post under the thread but i feel this is important enough that i know if i post under a new thread people will be more likely to see and read it. no one has lied about anything they've said in previous posts. kyle rose, the player who normally plays under k_rose NEVER EVER plays ring game and never plays vs the people he knows. but kyle has a lot of close pp associates that he is INSANELY nice to me being one of them. he often lets me play on his acct and like I'VE stated earlier i do play vs bobcards and i'm sure pp is well aware of that. we pay each other off a lot when calling to the river and there is no cheating that occurs. we've transferred money back and forth to one another plenty of times and never hide the fact that we know one another.

there is really nothing more i can say to put your mind at ease excpet that if you look at the pp nicks when k_rose is playing at 20/40 ring game i'm sure somewhere you'll also find beavis playing some short handed. that is probably kyle at that particular moment. additionally the other day when that guy was posting to our room about us cheating we (bobcards and myself, LC) put up a joke post about what we look like on this forum. it was very very late and we both posted to it showing that it was me and not kyle playing on k_rose.

the one who is accusing us of cheating is a complete moron and personally i dont care what you put up here i am only concerned about the reputation of kyle himself. PP is well aware that bobcards and lastchance have played together many many times in the past and i'm sure that they realize that it will happen many many more times into the future. its party their fault for not opening up more tables.

one last thing i wish to reiterate that i've stated before. bobcards and LC rarely play two rings together at the same time. if you notice we always find that open table where the other person isn't at. additionally we dont play short handed together which is where the real money would come from if we were cheating. when a table we're at together becomes short handed one of us sits out and leaves. so to summarize once again; we HAVE to play at one common table no matter how you slice the cheese because there are only 3 20/40s, kyle who is the owner of k_rose NEVER plays with any one of us, LC, bob, erik, etc., and finally you're a complete tool for accusing us on pp and then on this forum.


10-29-2001, 03:34 PM
i wish to state one last thing regarding this matter.

if you do have a problem with us email pp. they know IPs and track everything. they're a billion dollar a year business and they will do everything they see fit and appropriate regarding us. if the same person who kept chatting in our pp room is the person posting here i know its 7high2low or something so that is also more proof it was me LC not kyle himself. i also had jarjar typing shit to you in the room because i of course have no chats.

there is nothing more that needs to be said on this topic by bobcards, me, kyle, erik, or anyone else being accused of cheating. email pp your complaints. i'm sure they respect those $1/$2 players who feel that bobcards and the rest of us are ripping them off at the 20/40 tables.


10-29-2001, 06:53 PM
about all these people playing on each other's accounts? If so, why don't they just let people change their nicks at will? They say they make it difficult so that opponents will know who they're playing, so that a given nick will have a stable identity that opponents can come to know and to expect when they play that player. But with everyone playing each other's accounts, that is lost. Paradise? You listening?

10-29-2001, 07:50 PM
"i of course have no chats."

Mr. Chance,

Please contact us at www.chatsfinders.com (http://www.chatsfinders.com) at your earliest convenience. We believe we have located your chats. Be prepared to provide a description so that we will know these are your chats and not someone else's. I hope you and your chats are soon reunited!

Yours Truly,

Nick Parker



chatsfinders inc.

10-29-2001, 08:10 PM
Sharing accounts? You've already admitted that you have no ethics.

10-30-2001, 01:05 AM
I have not played in the PP $20-40 Hold'em game for awhile but when I did I played many hours with the players mentioned in this thread. I never felt that any of these players were involved with anything underhanded. Some could use lessons in people skills. All play poker well, though some have tilt problems, but I've never held that against a poker player as a bad thing, myself.

As to the issues of players playing other's accounts and money being transfered between friends, I can see where some players would feel uncomfortable about this, but in the live poker world this stuff goes on all the time. It doesn't seem that a fellowed 2+2 poster would go to so much trouble to explain to us what has happened and it not be true.

I think we should give these players, that we have played with and debated on this forum for over a year, the benefit of the doubt.

MS Sunshine

10-30-2001, 02:54 AM
its very simple instead of bitchin on here simply email paradise. thats what i do when i think ppl are colluding. several times i have done this and they have barred the two from playing at the same tbl. so if you think krose and bobcards are cheating email pp and let them sort it out. this will greatly help me out. next time i get disconnected while at a beautiful short game bob wont be able to sit b/c he will and when i get back i will have to leave bc i wont play short with him. why you ask bc hes a friend i dont want his money i got enough already i dont need his.

also if we were some big group of cheaters wouldnt we hide it a lil better everyone has our email knows our names and our pp names are constant. not callin anyone a cheater but there are several "groups" ppl from the same town or something on paradise who change names frequently every month or so and you can tell from their playstyle seems like these players are more shady than our lil group of friends yet noone accuses them of cheating. we have all played at paradise for a long time they know we are friends from our numerous transfers and pp chats b4 they took em if they thought something was wrong dont you think theyd do something about it.

thanks to lc for posting something in my defence bc he knows i was traveling and was unable to do so earlier

10-30-2001, 04:31 AM
Bob Cards has a reputation of being a thieving cheat. If you assoiciate with those who are known to cheat, don't expect folks not assume you are cheating as well

Emmerson Biggums

10-30-2001, 08:35 AM
Well let me try and allay everyones' doubts and fears. I've played with this amicable band of fellows for quite a while now and i can assure those worried players (and railbirds) that I am 100% certain that not one of them cheats at pp. Now, although I have a sneaking suspicion that some of them may not want me for their best man when they find the pp girl of their dreams,it should be apparent that in my striving for peace and harmony in the world and on pp that I forced myself to send this message.

To the cheerful group of merry men- please do not let this change your opinion of me in any way and by all means keep chasing me around the table- I need the money.

Loved your pics by the way- didn't know you were all so cute.


10-30-2001, 03:22 PM
wow wow, piesang stepping up to the plate for the sake of a truce. i'm very impressed-not gonna lie! let me just say that for defending our honor if i ever see you in baltimore i wont bash your head in with a bat now, like i might have 12 hours ago! now i will just civilly glace at you, give you a dirty look and continue on my path. perhaps if we continue on this course i might even have you over for dinner one night in the distant future (and i promise not to wipe my ass with your food).
