View Full Version : Please, no more calls. We have a winner.......

10-23-2001, 06:36 PM
"Its clear a psycopathic supporter of murderers such as yourself has no conscious.

You've made your living for a long time associated with swindlers and cheats. I'd bet that you never report any earnings from internet poker, and have lied about your income for years to the IRS, Mr.Buchanan.

I hope that they look into you. I think a good lifestyle v. expenditure analysis would reveal much.

Then you can rage against the IRS "kooks" who collect the backpay"

I believe I know who are recent 'net kook is. We should be proud to have a kook of his stature amoung us.

Douglas G.V. Reiman

Yes, friends, the two time net kook of the year. The plague of rec.gambling.blackjack. The man who has been dropped from more ISP's than anyone in the history of the know universe. The Man, the one and only ..............Doogie.

Douglas G.V. Reiman

That's not quite correct, he likes every letter capitalized, or

Doug Grant(tm)

Someone here must be a RGPer and have a link to his fan's "I hate doug grant and here is why......" internet site.

Let's go thru our Dooogie checklist to make sure.

1. Uses multiple names. CHECK

2. Intelligent, but mispells. CHECK

3. Uses veiled threats of some kind of legal action to bully his point. CHECK

4. Wraps himself in the American fag to keep warm. CHECK

5. The "swindlers and cheats" sounded so much like Doogie-speak for "shysters and hucksters". CHECK CHECK CHECK

OR I could be completely wrong and it is a ploy by David S.

MS Sunshine

10-23-2001, 06:41 PM

10-23-2001, 08:28 PM

10-23-2001, 11:06 PM
No threats, just talking about your proclivities. You are not unique.The poker industry is filled with people like you. People that thrive on the misery of others. People that can't make an honest living elswhere. People that joke about the cons with which they've participated. They then claim that tines were different. If everyone cheats, or works with organized criminals, then it must be ok.

I thought the revelations earlier this year from the group of dealers that brought out cheating was enlightening. You, of course, have worked in the industry. You have looked the other way on a daily basis to collusion. You have let your self-interest fool your own mind into a player beware attitude. That is all just normal sleazy poker.

Internet poker is more damaging, in that it is totally unregulated and financed by organized criminals. Why would any good capitalist internet owner in Costa Rica not offer to launder drug money, arms money, terrorist money? After all, its only business. It increases the profit margin.

10-23-2001, 11:29 PM
Why are you here?

10-23-2001, 11:44 PM
ms sunshine, i have no idea what this is about. could you please enlighten me, as none of this is making any sense to me. was there a previous thread because this seems to just start in the middle with that post from you that is just off the wall in nature.


10-24-2001, 12:26 AM
Hi LC, while your threads certainly have been more entertaining, we have had a troll posting in the middle of most threads telling us how we are supporting terrorists. He has not been signing under his own name, but has been using the from as a second header. He has used:

quit whining

quit whining traitor


capt crunch

on to you mcg

another terrorist + sympathizer

offshore wise guy

a patriot

how close to the truth you are

poll-internet poker/terrorism


6000 dead in NYC

among others.

This net kook has added to and hijacked almost every thread for about a week. I'm surprised you missed him. You guys should hit it off well.

Him and I have not been exactly been buddies. I, along with most of the regular posters, and a few new ones, have pointed out how full of crap he is. He has show us how playing internet poker supports the Taliban and others. If we continue to point out what a net kook he is, he is going to inform the IRS on anyone he thinks has won at internet poker and is now living in a lavish lifestyle.

I believe, I know who he is. A net kook from rec.gambling.poker named doug grant(tm). If I'm right, you will get to meet him soon, as he never goes away.

Have a nice day LC.

MS Sunshine

10-24-2001, 01:56 AM
I don't think it's Doogie. For starters, Doogie's native habitat is rec.gambling.blackjack, not rec.gambling.poker. He only cross-posts to RGP and doesn't read it.

Secondly, the following appeared under Other Topics...

A Break From The Computer

Posted By: M

Date: Thursday, 18 October 2001, at 7:07 p.m.

I will be taking a break from the computer for a few days, maybe a week or two, in order to better concentrate on poker and get in shape a bit. For me, the computer seems to make it easy to chew up lots of time and not get enough done.


Ray Springfield and alter egos please feel free to have at it and post anything you want about me while I am gone.


And in reply came:

So sorry you can't handle the truth

Posted By: Ray Springfield

Date: Friday, 19 October 2001, at 8:23 a.m.

In Response To: A Break From The Computer (M)

Well, maybe you'll stop betraying your country with online gambling. Maybe you should change your name to something more imaginative like, N. The change would do you good.

I still don't understand why you won't post your name and mailing contact so that we can begin litigation. Apparently you either feel that you would lose, or you are a coward. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I'll assume that you are a coward.


So, unless there's something I'm missing, we have a clear winner.


10-24-2001, 02:41 AM
"I still don't understand why you won't post your name and mailing contact so that we can begin litigation. Apparently you either feel that you would lose, or you are a coward. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I'll assume that you are a coward.


So, unless there's something I'm missing, we have a clear winner.

Chris "

You have a point here, Chris, and most net kooks have the same kook-speak going for them, but without someone here in charge declaring a clear winner, I will still vote for a Doogie sighting.

As for M, in the post that's highlighted, here's a link for info on net kooks that threaten legal action:


Have a nice day.

MS Sunshine

10-24-2001, 12:18 PM
Why are you here?

10-24-2001, 12:49 PM
Oh my, this is totally ridiculous. Grab a sign and go picket in front of a government building. Obviously people post here because they enjoy a common interest, you're preaching to people that will never be convinced that you're right or join you in your crusade. So what's your purpose? Nothing better to do?

10-24-2001, 01:16 PM
....and go forth into the land of the heathens and preach the word from on high. For a single soul saved in this land is truly saved.


The son of god will return riding a white ass, before he will get a poster here, who is not busted, to give up internet poker.

MS Sunshine

10-24-2001, 01:25 PM

10-24-2001, 01:41 PM
In the thread "Mason this group is becoming worthless" (19 October 10.51) our hero responds to a post by AM Alert by saying "HI M!". This would appear to support the M/Ray Springfield connection. In the original post about the Terrorism Bill, Ray S. also mentions M in a post.

Perhaps Ray S. could give us some help here.

10-24-2001, 04:54 PM

10-26-2001, 02:50 AM
Yes, Ray has a long history of this stuff here. His trademark is using the name field as another subject line. Though I have not looked closely at the recent posts, they do not appear to use Doug Grant's typical words. They do appear to contain Ray's usual themes. Ray has some real problems. Maybe if he gets some help he'll turn things around.

10-26-2001, 03:06 AM
I think that its clear that he believes that internet poker involves organized crime. He is probably correct. Why he cares so much is another question.