View Full Version : I'm telling Mason on you

10-21-2001, 03:02 PM
Well friends, he's done it again, made an overly aggressive play that I think just costs us money. But rather than argue with him, which does no good, I've decided to put him up to what I hope will be public humiliation.

!0-20 hold-em, 9 players, the first 2 fold, the next 2 limp in, and MS Sunshine raises w/ 88. It ends up going raise from the button and cap from one of the limpers, w/ BB calling, so he tosses before the flop. AND, as it turns out, he did have the limpers dominated ...one had 22, the other A7.

Here's my objection: in the best case scenario, he drives everyone out and only the two limpers call. Great, and if the flop comes low-low-low, you're good. Probably. But in a fairly loose game I think it should be expected that one behind and at least one of the blinds will call. And in that case, how many flops are there that a medium pair can be certain of having, and maintaining, the best hand?

I think the better play is to limp in and see the flop. What would you do?

Thanks in advance for your input, Mrs MS Sunshine

10-22-2001, 02:42 AM
I think this is a good spot, with my vast playing experience, that MSsunshine should definitely be skiing more often. But what do I know........I'm just a cat. Meow that MSsunshine......that was for the cat recipes. Seriously, I think you should cash out enough to get your cats an escalator as they are struggling up the stairs in the thin air. Also remember......bunny slopes only.



10-22-2001, 03:33 AM
He would need a good table image for his play to work.

Limp and trip.

10-22-2001, 11:21 AM
I agree its a mistake to raise in this situation. I would definitely open raise in his position had there been no limpers. With one weak limper I would consider a raise if the blinds were tight.

Also before the flop I count 16 1/2 small bets when the action gets back to him to call two more small bets. I definitely call here and try to flop a set.