View Full Version : Best stat to indicate who to bluff?

12-29-2004, 04:47 AM
Regarding Texas Hold'em.
What stat do you think is the best indicator of whether or not a player should be bluffed at? Here are some possibilities:
A low post-flop Aggr. Factor (<.70?) would indicate a calling station, so don't bluff him.
A low went to showdown % (<30%?) would indicate a person who is willing to fold, so a bluff might be worth a try.
A high went to showdown % (>50%?) would indicate a calling station, again don't bluff.
Other candidates: Won $ when saw flop % or Won $ at showdown %.

What stat and threshold do you use?

12-29-2004, 05:04 AM
folds SB or BB to bet 100%

Macdaddy Warsaw
12-29-2004, 05:29 AM
I like using a low WtSD % as an indicator when a bluff might work. I would also use folded to river bet as an indicator, but I'm pretty sure playerView doesn't have that as an option.

Also less than 30% is low, but I won't run a pure bluff unless it's below 20%. I might bet bottom pair against a 30% or lower guy, though.

12-29-2004, 06:23 AM
For river bluffs I like to see an opponent that has normal river aggression but a high Won $ at SD %. This indicates he is folding some winning hands. Anything over 66% and he likes to fold way too much at the river and is a good mark. This stat takes a long time to converge though, so don't rely on this without several hundred hands on a player.