View Full Version : Another general question about SH games (are they really this good?!)

12-27-2004, 03:57 PM
I just 'rediscovered' Shorthanded play while clearing a bonus at PS. I've had an amazing run of luck but the players seem absolutely terrible (see my previous post in this forum here (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Board=headsup&Number=1433134 &Forum=f8&Words=&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Main=143313 4&Search=true&where=bodysub&Name=14361&daterange=1 &newerval=1&newertype=w&olderval=&oldertype=&bodyp rev=#Post1433134) for details).

But that isn't the topic here. What I'm curious about is the much-discussed winrate. It seems like the hands per hour can be easily double those at full ring tables, or at least a fair percent faster. At the same time, 'proper' winrates don't seem much decreased. That is, I don't hear discussions of how at a full ring 2-3BB/100 is proper but at 6-max 2BB/100 is very good.

So, hourly, does that mean that a 6-max player is making far more if he plays the same number of tables?

By the way, I know that you can compensate by opening more full ring tables and get an equal number of hands per hour. The only reasons this is pertinent to me are the limited number of quality PS tables, and the ability to have reads on more players (20 players at four full 6-max tables, versus 54 players at six full ring tables) with the same number of hands.

I guess you could call this a blinding flash of the obvious, but it puts things in a very interesting perspective. That and I'm enjoying being what at a full ring is insanely aggressive. It's a little stressful but I suppose it's a male thing, pushing people around. (Oh, and I don't think I'm very good at this, just very lucky... with only a couple thousand hands at 2/4-3/6 I can't say, yet, whether it's a lot of luck or just some).

12-27-2004, 04:15 PM

And as long as 2+2 doesn't hire one of the regulars here to become the next Ed Miller it will stay that way. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Mr. Graff
12-27-2004, 04:36 PM
6 max is more swingy than full ring games and reads are a lot more important as the players are trickier and more aggressive. Playing many tables shorthanded is risky business as you will see if you search this forum.

12-27-2004, 04:58 PM
Yes, they are good, because you are dealing with many more marginal decisions; those who can consistently make good decisions will make a killing in 6max. That said, variance is awful and it cuts both ways: you're probably on a rush of cards and making a killing, but in the past few weeks you have seen a few horror stories of huge downswings (myself included). Of course, you never hear about the upswings, only the downswings...

12-27-2004, 11:45 PM
I can imagine the downswings are pretty bad. Are they worse in magnitude, or just more common? (That is, will I see a lot more 100BB downswings if I'm a winning player, or will my downswings drop lower more often - even past 300BB - or is it a combination of the two?)

I'm getting really excited. I never really thought that I'd burned out on poker. I still enjoyed sitting down every day to play, but the play I've seen at 6-max makes me absolutely giddy.