View Full Version : Some different statistics

12-26-2004, 09:17 PM
Since this forum does obsess over statistics (that is a complement, not a criticism), I thought you might find this post interesting - Key Performance Indicators (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=1433492&page=&view=&sb=5& o=&vc=1)

The poster wondered which statistics we should really emphasize.

I posted a response and would like to run these ideas by the SH wisdom:

1. In addition to att to steal blind, etc - how about att to steal the flop (all checks to the last position - how often do you bet) and reaction to those bets.

2. Won after voluntarily seeing the flop (i.e. omit BB limps)

3. Ratio of VP$IP Button/UTG - perhaps a measure of awareness of position

I assume that Poker Tracker has the data which could make these measures. Do they make sense?

Just for interest - I am interested in your button/UTG VP$IP

mine is 1.4 (29.4/20.7) for Party 5/10.

So let's try a poll

12-26-2004, 11:08 PM
1.62 here, but all positions except for the blinds are profitable, the button is more than double the next closest position.