View Full Version : ATo

12-24-2004, 02:43 AM
utg is loose passive, BB is loose but i don't know how aggro he is.

party 5/10

utg limps, i raise ATo in utg+1, bb calls.

flop is 972r

bb checks, utg bets, i call and bb calls.

turn is a ten, putting 2 spades on the board.

bb checks, utg bets, i raise, bb 3bets, utg folds, i?

and what about the river?

12-24-2004, 04:24 AM
Fold. He's not 3-betting with worse than two pair. And if he shares your T, has a straight, or has a set, you are in real bad shape.

12-24-2004, 06:03 AM
He could have AT or a trash 2 pair, more likely a straight.

Folding is best but calling isnt a huge error without a read.

12-24-2004, 09:25 AM
something like 5/1 to call him down so i dont think thats a bad plan - in the 5/10 school when this happens they nearly always have it - i fold unless i've cause to believe this is a dodgy chook

the pre-flop is a bit interesting - i like to fold A10o UTG a bit but i usually raise an UTG limper with it when i'm UTG+1 too - not too sure if thats inconsistent

stripsqueez - chickenhawk

12-24-2004, 03:15 PM
sup joker

preflop: i like isolating a loose passive limper here

flop: i like a fold. you're getting 7-1 but with BB still to act behind you and your pair outs are certainly tainted. also loose passive betting means higher chance he has something?

turn: i'd fold to the 3bet. with 3 players in the BB probably isn't messing around. this perhaps shows some of the serious reverse implied odds at work when you make a marginal call on the flop

12-25-2004, 08:58 PM
the river was the As. i called his bet, he rolled J8o and HHWG.

Merry Xmas!