View Full Version : Walking through a minefield

12-22-2004, 02:52 PM
I play in a weekly multi-table live tourney against some of the worst players alive. There's about 20-30 players a week and not one of them knows anything about cards. Pot odds, outcomes, postion, starting requirements, none of this even remotely is known by them. There is a flop every hand. Sounds good right, here's the catch.

The structure that they have is they play the whole tourney short hand, playing 5-6 guys a table. Everyone starts with about 20-30 bucks worth each and the blinds increase with every player that leaves the table (yes some tables increase faster or slower than others depending on the amount of players at the table)blins start 1-2 and increase with each player that gets knocked out. Each table plays till there's only 2 left, then the remaining go to a final table.

The problem that kills me is that these guys call everything from bets cold with overs to moving in with a flush draw , and this is a no limit tourney. By themselves or even only a couple is nothing but calectivly it's a crap shoot.

Because it's shorthanded i know you must losen up, but that is just not possible because bluffing is dangerous and you really don't have alot of chips to manuver.
I'm playing tight all the way through, limping when worth it, and playing the best hands but you really arn't seeing a whole lot of hands (no more than 50-80 through out the night.)

So I'm asking for help guys, any suggestions on how to exploit these guys at all. Because it's short-handed, even as bad as they are, they almost play about right without knowing it. They play aggressive with any piece of the board, but call and move-in with nothing. Being this is no-limit, your forced to coin flip with these guys. Something I try to avoid because i know i could beat them with a better edge, but is also unavoidable and am forced to a couple of times in the tourney. Players drop like flies, and it's usually likley that the whole tourneys done within 3 hours.

Only 2 places cash. I've only played twice, cashed once. From one player to another, see anything that could be done to help increase may chances. Any straigy or tactics u think would work.

12-22-2004, 03:37 PM
If i read that right, you are starting with only 15 big blinds in your starting stack? That is a horrible tourney structure by any stretch. I would probably play super tight, raise with only ultra premium hands and go from there.