View Full Version : Anybody else get more action when the raise than when they limp?

12-21-2004, 10:47 PM
These 6 max games are wild. Anybody else noticed that you tend to get more action when you raise preflop than when you just limp? I swear to god raising seems to put a big tartet on you, people routinely try to bluff the raiser out of the pot. If you limp around they just fold if they dont have anything, but if you raise preflop its magical.

12-21-2004, 11:33 PM
Yes you make a good point, this is especially true if you have been raising preflop alot in the last few pots.

This is why I have started varying some preflop play, for example I have raised maybe 3 out of the last 5 hands and get KJo on the button, 1 LAG limper who I know is likely to playback if I raise and play my usual hard postflop play I will limp for a change and be more inclined to take a free card or fit/fold on the flop. I find it helps to mellow my table image, the same as raising preflop and then folding on the flop. I'm slowly starting to appreciate something schneids said along the lines of playing more passively out of position so that when you have position your aggression is more respected. I think that small variations to keep a passive table image work wonders in picking up pots later on with aggression.

I do this only at 5/10 2tabling where there is observant LAGs who I pay attention to as opposed to 1/2 where I just play abc 4+ tables 26/18 LAG styles.

12-23-2004, 11:58 AM
Yes, I definitely find this to be true.

Another thing I have noticed: there is NO better way to get the typical fish psychologically involved in a hand than to check-raise them.

12-23-2004, 12:16 PM
if this trend is true... which maybe... this makes me want to raise more, not less... if i were to adjust at all.

if i was raising with garbage, then sure this may have some effect... but it would only be to prevent compounding an error.

i would welcome and encourage anyone to target me when they have a lesser hand.

12-23-2004, 01:15 PM
I think the reason for this is that if you limp, and bet later in the hand, they assume you hit (if you had a real hand pre-flop you would have raised, so you must have improved to be betting now). If you raise pre-flop, they think there is a chance you have big cards and missed, so you will lay down if you think they hit. It's very exploitable logic.

12-23-2004, 01:35 PM
I've noticed that people will tend to call you down more when you raise even if they don't hit.