View Full Version : The Easy Road to Learning 6max?

12-20-2004, 09:26 PM
Just thought I would share what I think is a good idea for breaking into the 6max scene. I just moved over to The Gaming Club to pick up on their $300 bonus but the .5/1 full ring games were tighter than 1/2 at party and then I saw they had .5/1 6max. They are fantastically worse than the full ring games and because, according to Bonuswhores.com you make $10/hour in bonuses playing one 6max table, you can clear the bonus faster. After I clear this bonus I am moving back to Party for the 1/2 6max with my 500BB bankroll. I just thought this was a great idea for anyone who wanted to start 6max because you get to learn at a lower level for less money and you even get paid while you do it. If anyone has played both Party and Gaming Club, could you tell me how they compare and how easy the transition will be? Thanks.