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View Full Version : Looking for Home Games in Fort Wayne, IN

03-26-2002, 03:04 PM
I am a fairly new hold'em player and am looking for home games in fort wayne IN. Write me a respone or email me if you can help.

03-30-2002, 11:18 AM
I was sitting in $6-12 Hold em game at the Soaring Eagle casino in Mt. Pleasant, michigan one night. This guy that I knew I had seen before sat down across from me. No big deal been there 4 times and seen several of the same faces. Then I hear him mention Ft. Wayne.....or did I? I let it pass. Awhile later the guy beside me asks me I'm from, so I say Kendallville. The guy across from me wakes up and says he's from Avilla. Wow, small world. Anyway, he asked me if I play in the games in Ft. Wayne. I say no and he starts telling me about 'em. Coupla guys running a few tables, dealers, chips the works. He said the rake is a little higher than a casino, but what are your options? I wasn't real interested in playing in an illegal cardroom so I didn't ask where it is or how to get in. I did however remember his name, so if I ever was interested. Out of respect for his privacy I'm not going to reveal his name. Sorry. If I were you I would ask around about this place. Email me at mirageroom@iwon.com. I'll file away your address and if I hear of any games I'll notify ya. There will be a $10 min to $50 max buy-in, .25-.25 blind pot-limit Hold em game coupla times a month starting in the fall. This game will be in Kendallville.

04-02-2002, 02:08 PM
Small world. Email me to remind me to look up the numbers. Rake is a little high but the food is good and the games seem fair. Good games.

- Louie LLandale@Earthlink.net

04-03-2002, 10:09 PM
you the same guy I was playing with at the Soaring Eagle? BTW what games and limits do they offer, I'm a little more interested nowadays. Thanks.

04-30-2002, 06:18 PM
I have played at Souring Eagle. There is only one "Louie Landale" in the entire world (since only one branch of the Scottish "Landale" clan married French but I digress...) and very few Louie's to be found playing cards, so if you played with a "Louie" at Souring Eagle it was probably me.

Fort Wayne seems to play 2/5 blinds straight $10 Holdem/Omahaha 8, or 6/12 half kill Holdem. The straight $10 game is much better at least when the house players are bumped out.

Email if you want contact info.

- Louie