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View Full Version : alternative to neteller?

12-18-2004, 06:16 AM
If I'm not mistaken, most people use Neteller to deposit money into poker and casino sites. I recently tried to open a Neteller account and register my bank account with them, but since I am not currently residing in North America, their policy restricts me from doing so. I do live in America and have an American bank account, but I'm temporarily in Asia until May. I've explained all this to the Neteller support but they say I am still not allowed to register my bank account. Are there any good alternatives to Neteller that will not run into this problem? Or is everyone using Neteller. Let me know if you can help me! Thanks.

12-18-2004, 08:26 AM
I'm curious about this same question--I wish that poker sites would allow the use of paypal or a similar site other than netteller.

12-18-2004, 08:48 AM
paypal will not allow it as the issue on gambling in the USA is up in the air..thats why they dont allow it.

12-18-2004, 11:22 AM

12-18-2004, 11:38 AM
I don't have an answer for you, but am also very curious about this. Then, how do people from Asia play? My brother-in-law is here for vacation. When he returns to S. Korea next week, he plans to open a Neteller account. (I managed to get him somewhat addicted and he's pretty good). Is he screwed when he tries it?

I'd also like to hear from the experienced in Asia.


12-18-2004, 11:55 AM
You don't need to link your bank account to your Neteller account. It just makes it easier if you do.

I funded my original buy-in with my visa card, and all withdrawals are either via my Neteller Debit Card (small amounts) or via EFT/Bank Wire (large amounts).

12-18-2004, 12:28 PM
You can't get a Debit card though unless you register your account. I use Neteller exclusively but because my bank account is at Netbank.com (which Neteller doesn't accept) I have never been able to register my account.

12-18-2004, 01:41 PM
Have you checked Firepay, CentralCoin, Party has the Global Connect card(A prepaid phone card you can use to deposit $ into your account) moneybookers.com(pokerroom site, has a lot of deposit options too).

It appears there are many ways to get the $ to the sites if you want.


12-18-2004, 02:02 PM
Ok, I think I've found a way around my problem. I currently deposit money into Party through IGM-Pay. If I deposit money into Party using IGM-Pay, then withdraw it into Neteller, I could fund other poker sites with Neteller without ever linking my bank account. Does this sound like it will work? Anyone see any holes in this plan?

12-18-2004, 03:42 PM
I believe the problem is that neteller will not let you access your account from other countries. So even if you got money to neteller using your american bank account or if you withdrew money to the account via Party I don't think they let you access the money from abroad.

I could be wrong about this but I know when my friend was abroad in Colombia he had me transfer money from his neteller to his bank account for him b/c he was unable to do it while there. So I think if you have an american bank account then you can only use neteller while in america. This seems odd for a bank but it might be their policy due to the security concerns. I'll ask my buddy more and post something else if I hear differently.

Best solution might be to just call up neteller, explain your situation and see what they tell you.


12-18-2004, 04:07 PM

and your plan looks good too.

12-18-2004, 04:22 PM
I wouldn't recommend the phone card route--my friend was using this method at PP and his account was temporarily suspended because his credit card company thought it was strange that he was buying phone cards in high denominations.

12-19-2004, 11:24 PM
damned moneybookers...
a bug appeared in my account in every page wich has to do with a payment via credit card and I cant cetrify my identity via credit card. no certify = no withdraw. stuck there. sent them email and fax, no reply... /images/graemlins/mad.gif