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View Full Version : Love the home games

12-08-2001, 03:43 PM
Aah ya gotta love the home games, I play a weekly game of no-limit $20 min buy-in, dealers choice. It is generally excepted though around the table that huge raises, ie above about $8, are considered unsocialable and they are uncommon. Antes are 20c and we mostly play either 7-Stud, or HE. I generally find that the amount I drink is directly proportinal to my stack at the closing stages of the night...thus I have suffered losses on many occasions. Although it seems social there is a real competitive macho poker-game feeling and many players get disillusioned into thinking that this $20 is their life-savings. Anyway, if it wasn't for this weekly fulfilment of my love for poker I would be a lost soul. (The nearest casino that has poker is 13 hours drive.)

If anyone on this forum is from New Zealand then get in contact, we'd love to know of other players in our area.

Anyway this Home-Poker forum is a great idea. Hope we see lots of new interesting posts on unique home games. Im gonna try that devil game two, sounds like a killer.


Kiwi boy

12-08-2001, 11:10 PM
Mr. petersen lives in wellington, look on the other forums for him. where do you live to be 12 hours from christchurch. invercargill or something.

12-09-2001, 04:30 AM
Im in Hamilton in the Nth Island, A casino has just got its license here and has started construction, though I doubt it will have poker. Ill have to check it out.

12-09-2001, 11:03 AM
i hear they got a hot game going in alice springs...lol..gl

12-09-2001, 11:59 AM
did the auckland casino get poker yet. it is an okay place even though they wanted me to wear black shoes(no athletic shoes) when i came in.

12-10-2001, 03:53 AM
I wish they did have poker in Auckland, they may have some games going on up their but there was none that I could see. If they do, I'll make sure to wear Black shoes, lol.

When were you over in NZ?



12-10-2001, 09:03 PM
i tend to go to both n.z and tasmania every other year for a couple of months. been thru every single town maybe except i havent gotten to stewart island yet, but thats next time. i like the south island best by far, as i spend all my time outside.

12-11-2001, 09:09 AM
and leave beloved big sky country..lol..must be in august..gl

12-11-2001, 10:12 PM
no the best time down there is when it is lousy here. they are exactly reversed seasons. i like their early fall time.

12-12-2001, 03:26 AM

12-12-2001, 09:27 PM
I'm from Tasmania, born'n'bred. (I live in Baton Rouge now, sigh.)

So are you an avid bushwalker then?


12-13-2001, 01:56 AM
you got it. i like mt. field nat. park. and south west cape.

12-14-2001, 12:06 PM
I left Tassie in 1988. Before I left the most spectacular walk I went on was the Western Arthurs. About twenty peaks and thirty lakes (or vice-versa?). Lot's of steep up and down. The views are awesome (or non-existent if the weather is miserable, as you can well imagine). Unfortunately, the tracks may have deteriorated since I went. It got more popular, and it was fragile to start with.

Last time I was back in 1999 I found they have a half-pot-limit 5-card stud game at Wrest Point Casino. (I'd never played in Australia before.) $2 ante $200 buy-in on Fridays and $5 ante $500 buy-in on Saturdays. I played on a Friday, and naturally lost my buy-in after several hours, since I had played nothing like it, and everyone else had played only this game for years. (I couldn't convince them to switch to holdem or omaha lol.) Just curious, have you played in this game? Of course, their are better things to do in Tasmania.


12-14-2001, 09:57 PM
ive played once in the game and with only half pot limit it was hard to build any decent pots. plus they played okay and the rake was high. the real downside was they take names for the game a week in advance and the seats are usually sold out by the regulars and no tourist can get in. they also had a game in launceston and that was full of regulars but gamblers, so a much better game. i dont know if it still goes.

ive walked all the national parks but not much in the arthurs. i did go up i near devils cap, i think they called it. i love going all the way around the southern cape where you are looking at nothing between you and antartica. ive hiked around cradle mt. a couple of times and was lucky to have the good weather and see it all. mt. field just north of hobart is still my choice as its really neat hiking along the tarns.

ive seen wine glass bay a few times and swam there.

i even always go and sit at nightfall and watch when the mutton birds come home.this is a great island, even with the encounters ive had with the tiger snakes.

12-16-2001, 07:00 PM
You'll make me homesick. Oh well, have a nice trip whenever you go next.

12-17-2001, 08:26 AM
Hi Zane,

I live in Wellington where we have 2 games a week, unfortunately playing mostly manilla. However, I do come up to Hamilton on occasion to see old University friends. I would LOVE to get a game on my next trip north. What is the max buyin in your games? I'm used to playing 10/20, 20/40 and occasionally 40/80 manilla in live games, so the $20 is hardly a big deal (despite being on a student loan at $130 a week income).

And Ray, if you are ever in the Wellington region and feel like giving manilla a go, we have games with $50 blinds, and 100/100/100/100/800 betting if that interests you. Kirk Morrison (2 WSOP bracelets) plays in these games from time to time. There are also $500/500/500/500/1000-5000 5 card stud games that you can play too no doubt. And if you feel like going fishing I will take you out for a copy of the shorthanded poker book, lol.

12-17-2001, 02:00 PM
will look forward to meeting you.

12-21-2001, 10:22 AM
Sheesh! Mr. Peterson, I didn't know there was that much money in our country let alone in a poker game!

and no offence, but what on earth are you doing playing manilla??!?!?!?!

Zane and I are both students, and the largest amount of cash we've ever seen at the poker game would be what... about $250?

Also, where are these games in Wellington played?

my email is mrlink@xtra.co.nz if you want to send any info or get in contact for a friendly game, but be warned, we've watched rounders 50 od times! hehe, despite our low stakes theres no fish in our pond, thanks to the likes of ol' Sklansky ^_^

regards, hope to hear from you.


12-22-2001, 03:43 PM
I don't play the big games but i do on occasion deal them. Dealing these games is strssful but, i get about $50-60 an hour in tips.

I hate manilla it is the ultimate luck game. Even starting only with trip Aces or Kings can leave you scratching your head. But it's usually the only game going here, because holdem broke up when the club boss lost $4,000.

My email is broken right now, but you can get me at sbismark@hotmail.com Minimum buyin in my club games is $500 but $20-$50 is more like it for a fun game of nolimit. What games are played?