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12-17-2004, 06:51 AM
Am I the only one here whose game suffers HORRIBLY when they start multi tabling ?

First hour and 190 hands into clearing the bonus at NL $25 tables I'm down $65.00 !! Partially due to 2 stupid calls, but still....

I cut down to two tables, one I'm basically being blinded out - People running stats on just that table for me pry had a VP$IP of 1%

The other table I am rocking at, I make 3 smart calls based on betting patterns and one bluff based on how the guy played prior hands as I was paying attention to the play at that one table in particular.

Is it one of those things people just have a knack for (multi-tabling) ? And do you HONESTLY get ANY kind of a read on any players let alone have time to make Solid notes when doing anything beyond 4 tables?

Notes I could see making occasionally 4 tabling, but that is it... so 4 hours into the night I end up like $150.00 but much less hands than I would of liked to play because I was only playing one table the last two hours.

I guess the main question is :

Do you feel playing one table is more worthwhile since you have a solid read on players or do you feel multi tabling using the fundamentals of the game is more +EV in the long run ?

I would say limit players ignore this, but having a read on the 2 or 3 maniacs at a table could lead to an extra 15 -30 BB's in 45 minutes on MANY occasions. Especially if u get trapped between them in a raising war...

12-17-2004, 07:02 AM
I 4 table 25NL on a daily basis and I couldnt sit on any less than that.(6 max) With 6 players and gametime + running you pretty much know what people are doing at all tables and if they are maniacs or not. I think I would LOSE a ton of money with 1 or 2 tabling since I am not in as many hands as 4 tables. I might not be able to put my fullest attention on all 4 tables but thats what gametime + and 4 table experience comes in to play.

12-17-2004, 10:35 AM
BUMP! Only one person with input here?

Thanks Ripped, perhaps I just don't have the mind frame for it yet... I tend to surf the web, dick around, chat on messengers etc when I play poker so I don't play stupid starting hands at just one table.

I will be the first to admit I tend to go crazy and lack total concentration on each hand at each table as I will be worried about whether by AK I raised preflop with at table #2 is holding up while playing table #1 etc

12-17-2004, 10:51 AM
I would suggest you need to work on self discipline. If you
"dick around" as you say in order to keep you from playing poor or marginal hands then you should mentally change your approach. Concentrate on improving your game - insist in your own mind that you will ONLY play good starters. And if you find your self wavering from that while on the tables, take a break, a coffee break, whatever, and get focused again.

I also sense impatience in your attitude. Play no more then 2 tables at a time and once you are confident you are good at that (say 10,000 hands), then go to three. This game takes a lot of patience and I suggest you need to work hard on that aspect.

12-17-2004, 10:53 AM

I tend to surf the web, dick around, chat on messengers etc when I play poker

[/ QUOTE ]

I do that when 4 tabling and I'm not the only one.

12-17-2004, 11:05 AM
i play the same whether im 1 or 12 tabling. i usually stick with 8 now, however.

12-17-2004, 11:11 AM
Stir, you are 100 % correct. My biggest leak in the game is impatience. Oddly enough I do NOT have this problem live. However on the computer I do.

My psychiatrist is always telling me something is wrong with me but she gave me Straterra for ADD. I took one of the smallest dose pills and felt like I was on SPEED! Non-Stimulant my ass.. Anyways I do remember taking half the powder out of a pill one day and I seemed more calm.

Maybe I will try and see if that helps, for one week starting tomorrow. Thanks for the input

12-17-2004, 11:23 AM
Sorry to hear about the ADD complications. It is far too easy for me to advise more discipline and patience when I don't have to deal with the kind of symptoms that may impact your game. It is bound to make applying my advice more difficult.

Hopefully your idea of taking 1/2 a dose will work. Good luck with that.